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France protests said to be ‘out of control’


French authorities struggled on Thursday to suppress the protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. Over a million demonstrators took to the streets across the country in what some security sources described as an “insurrection” against the government in Paris.


In a previous post The horoscope of Emmanuel Macron [1], I wrote: 

Macron seems to be vying for the honor of being the most unpopular French leader in history, provoking violent protests that have lasted now for weeks, involving every sector of the population. Macron will probably be able to survive this political storm, but his political future looks dire. His horoscope as provided by Astro-Databank is reproduced here. His current Primary Progressions (Van Dam) is “Uranus conjunct Sun”. Some keywords for Uranus are “revolutions, breakdowns and chaos”. When a person is in denial about the need for change, Uranus hitting the Sun can bring about forced change from the environment. His natal Sun is placed on the cusp of the 12th house often referred to as the house of “self-undoing”. 

Now consider the “minute hand” of the cosmic clock...the April 20th solar eclipse [29ar] activates Macron’s radix configuration: 

Ascendant [29cp] - Siwa [28cp] - Toro [29li] - Chaos [29ar]  

With Pluto transiting conjunct Macron’s Ascendant we have from the following delineation from Martha Wescott: 


There will be scenarios where you see that people can "get aggressive" over $$$ an attempt to over-power or out-manuever others...and for sheer emotional effect. Expect to see links between abuse and financial compensation. 

Here are a string of events in the year whose purpose is to "destroy what a person does because of their control needs" (and I mean to include here their desire to control or dominate others). You may witness events when "rages... are out of control ...and that have rather devastating results." Another way to characterize this would be to say that there's a point at which rigid "control" and the need to dominate or extract revenge becomes self-destructive.


