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Jupiter-Chiron Ignite Civil Unrest in France


Angry citizens are taking to the streets all over the world, and often they are lashing out in wild and unpredictable ways. The eruptions of civil unrest that you will read about below are all happening for different reasons, but they all have one thing in common. People are deeply frustrated with the direction that things are going, and they have lost faith in the ability of their elected representatives to solve their problems. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning. For years I have been warning my readers that we will eventually see civil unrest on a scale that we have never seen before. Could it be possible that we are now entering the leading edge of that storm?



The conjunctions of the outer planets are among the important events for which astrologers routinely cast horoscopes. Jupiter, at 14° Aries 27′, forms a conjunction with Chiron, at 14° Aries 27′, on March 12, 2023. 

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance, and Chiron is an asteroid known as the wounded healer. For the first time in 12 years this conjunction will create a powerful portal that will help deliver potent healing energy to the deepest corners of our mind, body, and soul. 

As always while the the effect of the conjunction is worldwide in scope, it is felt more strongly in places where it appears on the angles. At Paris and Brussels, the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction is placed on the Ascendant. 

Placed in Aries - the sign we associate with aggression and anger - the potential for ridding us of negative attitudes that have been holding us back or keeping us in a psychologically wounded state is strong. 

In addition we notice that the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction is square the Kronos-Hades conjunction on the IC which is opposite Cupido on the MC.  The TNP Cupido is about group unity.  The opposition implies that group unity (Cupido) is affected by the actions of leaders (Kronos) that create difficulties for the masses (Hades). 

