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Saturn enters Pisces: Dead Fish Rot in Australian Town


Authorities in the Australian state of New South Wales are asking citizens of several towns in the Darling-Baaka river basin to stay out of the water amid dead and rotting fish. A million fish, including bone herring, Murray's cod, golden perch, silver ramp and carp, have died in a river basin near Menindee, New South Wales, Australia, according to media reports. Presumably, the cause of the death was the abnormal heat that set in on Australia's east coast in early March. This weather caused oxygen levels in the river water to drop significantly.


The entry of a planet into a new sign is a major event in astrology. While the event is worldwide in scope, it is especially significant in places where the planet aligns with the angles. On March 7th Saturn (planet of disasters) entered Pisces (the sign of the Fishes) and conjoined the star Fomalhaut, in the mouth of the Southern Fish - Piscis Austrinus. At Menindee, New South Wales, Saturn was placed on the IC at the time of its Pisces ingress. For events related to stars that conjoin Saturn, Diana Rosenberg has “natural disasters of great scope”. 

Among events related to the stars that form the backdrop to Neptune [24pi], the dispositor of Saturn, Diana Rosenberg lists “heat waves...suffocation”. Moreover Mars in Gemini (respiratory system) is square Neptune (weakening/ failure). For Mars-Neptune, Ebertin has “paralysis of muscles”.
