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Solar Eclipse and the fighting in Sudan



The fighting that has erupted in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, and elsewhere in the country is a direct result of a vicious power struggle within the country's military leadership.


In this post we will attempt to see how the news above is one manifestation of the April 20th solar eclipse.


The eclipse [29ar] is placed among the stars of King Cepheus, Cetus - sea monster and the early stars of the Ram producing leaders who can be aggressive, single-minded and fanatic. Cetus - the sea monster represents forces of the sub conscious that can overpower the rational mind and create havoc in human lives. 

We know that eclipses are worldwide in their scope but affect those places more significantly where they align with the horizon or meridian axes. Shown here is the chart for the eclipse at the Sudanese capital, Khartoum where Pluto is on the MC and the eclipse-Pluto square straddles the meridian. 

Pluto/MC : Power struggles for leadership

 Next we look at the stars that form the backdrop to Pluto/MC. Here is Altair, alpha Aquila in the constellation of the Eagle and Sham, alpha Sagittae, the Arrow. 

The Eagle is a fierce, predatory bird. Like the Eagle, people here want to fly high. Along with Sham, the Arrow this area produces military leaders who can be cold, cruel, mean, aggressive, even murderous and their high flying ambitions can manifest as greed. 

Considering the foregoing, it should come as no surprise that military leaders in Sudan are vying for power.
