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Solar Eclipse and the US Financial Crisis


Western sanctions against Russia have accelerated the move away from the US dollar worldwide, Stephen Jen, the CEO of London-based asset management company Eurizon, warned on Tuesday. The dollar's share in global reserves fell ten times faster last year than over the past two decades, Jen said, as cited by Bloomberg. The process began as some countries started to look for alternatives after seeing Russia's assets frozen abroad and the country cut off from the global financial messaging system known as SWIFT, according to Jen.


Astrologers have long recognized that eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. Eclipses are especially significant for individuals or nations when they trigger important elements of their charts. 

The April 20th solar eclipse at [29ar] is square the US Sibly Pluto in the 2nd house going through its Pluto Return. The core of the Pluto Return operates through Capricorn and the 2nd house. Capricorn represents the authoritative structures of society in government, business, and institutions. The 2nd house is about money. Eroding trust in authority and faith in institutions was a big part of the Uranus/Pluto square, and the Pluto Return intensifies that fall from grace. The challenge of the US Sibly Pluto Return is to transform greed, selfishness, and domination into qualities more harmonious and life-affirming. 

What we are seeing in the actions of the US is endless examples of hatred and violence. But that’s how Pluto works. It dredges up from the unconscious the absolute worst of what and who we are, vomiting up that toxic stew, in order to clean out the basement. The world is beginning to see that their assests in dollars are no longer safe and are beginning to look for alternatives. 

We may see some fast moving events that bear out the foregoing when transit Jupiter [27ar] first squares the Sibly Pluto on 5th May and then forms a conjunction to the eclipse degree [29ar] on 15th May thereby triggering it. 

Finally, we note that among events linked to the stars that form the backdrop to the solar eclipse [29ar], Diana Rosenberg has “financial disasters”.
