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Astrology of the mass deaths in UK


The Great Plague of London, 1665

Tens of thousands more Brits were dying than expected and experts aren't quite sure why that is. From May to December last year, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, excluding deaths from Covid.

 Many readers would be surprised by how well mundane national charts can faithfully explain events affecting a country. In this post we we look at the chart for the United Kingdom [January 1st , 1801; 0:00 LMT; London] over 200 years old.. to see if we can explain the news. But where should we begin looking... obviously the 8th house linked to “public mortality, the death rate” [1]. Here we find Mars [11ta45] opposite Neptune [18sc44]. For Mars-Neptune, Ebertin has: 

Suseptibility to epidemic infections 

For stars that conjoin Neptune, Diana Rosenberg has: “mass deaths of people” 

This explains the news but why are we hearing this now? Well for one thing the recent lunar eclipse of 5th May at [15ta] triggers the radix Mars-Neptune axis. 

For the sake of completion here is the chart of the lunar eclipse drawn for London. As always planets on the angles are the ones that need to be focused on. Here we have the Jupiter-Pluto square on the angles. More specifically, Pluto [0aq] is in an area of stars for which Diana Rosenberg lists “epidemics”. This resonates perfectly with the eclipse affecting the radix.

But if eclipses affect much broader or deeper issues, what else might the lunar eclipse in UK chart be referring to? The South Node lunar eclipse is in Scorpio will have a dissolving effect upon the places where we have held onto fixed perspectives that have perpetuated problems.  

Since it affects Mars-Neptune in the UK chart might this be pointing to a weakening (Neptune) of the capacity to go to war (Mars)...or sneaky (Neptune) ways to wage war (Mars)? We now hear of London’s decision to supply Kiev with long-range cruise missiles. Russia has warned that this makes UK a de facto participant in the conflict (Mars) – something UK vehemently denies (Neptune). Can it be a coincidence that the eclipse which activates the UK Mars-Neptune axis also aligns with Ukraine chart’s [24 Aug. 1991; 14:31 UT; Kiev] meridian? 


