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Horoscope of Imran Khan




Presented here is horoscope of Imran Khan [1]. The Sun is placed in the 10th house conjunct Saturn and square Uranus - a combination which in itself symbolizes standing up against authority.


The Sun and Saturn are placed amid the stars of Corvus the Raven about which Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Corvus is the Latin name for both the raven and the crow. Both birds have a widespread association with trickery and the serving of self-interest. But also here are the stars of the Virgin which longs for “truth” and “purity”. Few other skyscapes are so polarized between light and dark, clear air and suffocating darkness, with a tremendous conflict between the Virgin’s honest, upright will-to-do good and the Hydra’s dark lair of greed and arrogant self-interest. Some are tempted to dishonesty, become involved in scandals and have trouble with the law; there are both oppressions and struggles against them and transits to these stars bring about major changes in laws, mores, governments and ways of thinking often preceded, accompanied or followed by “witch hunts” [2]. 

The Sabian symbol for natal Saturn further bears out the above commentary: 


KEYNOTE: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result. 

If it is to remain steady and consistent, every form of order must be able to protect itself by the application of sanctions. Both a society and a personal ego constitute forms of order. Any form of order excludes what the form cannot securely and safely hold. It excludes, or exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if it cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being "punished" or re-formed according to this order. The problem for a society is how to include in its patterns of order agencies or channels for transformation — and particularly how to keep them truly operative; for individuals, it is how to make their transforming vision or impulse acceptable to society. Dane Rudhyar

With progressed solar arc Moon now at [17cn], Imran Khan’s Saturn [17li] -Uranus[18cn] square is triggered in a big way!



[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, 65-66)




