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Pakistan’s Draconic Chart


The term DRACONIC comes from the Latin names for the Lunar Nodes: Caput Draconis, the dragon's head or Moon's North Node, and Cauda Draconis, the dragon's tail or South Node. The Moon's North Node is the point where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from south to north; this intersection is used as the starting point, or 0° of Aries, to cast a chart based on the draconic zodiac. 

Tropical eclipses and more generally transits to the draconic chart can offer valuable information. Often an event that cannot be seen clearly in the tropical chart is easily understood if we superimpose the tropical transits on the draconic. 

Presented here is the draconic chart for Pakistan based on its independence [August 14th , 1947; 9:33 am, Karachi]. Our attention is drawn to the MC [0ta38] - Mars [1ta14] - Uranus [26ar12] conjunction activated by the solar eclipse of April 20th on the MC square Pluto. 

In his book Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin provides the following interpretation: 

(Mars-Uranus) - MC: An inflexible character; a person “putting a pistol to someone’s head”, an act of violence; the execution of drastic and violent measures. 

How does this combination express itself when tropical Pluto transit squares it? Once again Ebertin has: 

Pluto -> Mars/Uranus: Force; violent intervention. 

The eclipse occurring over this combination aptly describes the actions of the Pakistan government in arresting Imran Khan without a warrant in the premises of the High Court also describes the violence that followed since Mars-Uranus also refers to “the urge for freedom and independence; the trait neither to be subdued or yield to other people’s will”. 

As always planetary combinations aspecting the angles in the eclipse chart should be focused on. Here we have Saturn on the MC in hard aspect to the TNP Zeus. For this combination Martha Wescott has: 


As well as seeing very inflammatory situations--and a lot of "temper or energy management" in connection with one's boss or father (here government), you'll also be aware of people who are being disciplined for being angry or enthusiastic--they come to expect that whenever they're excited about something, someone will come along to "rain on their parade;" they come to expect that someone else will stand in judgment, or attempt to "stifle" them. 

Astrologers regard eclipses to be activated when a planet moves over the eclipse degree. In the eclipse chart, Jupiter [23ar] is separated by about 6 degrees from the Sun/Moon [29ar]. Jupiter now moving at [29ar] conjunct the eclipse degree has activated it and therefore also Pakistan’s draconic Mars-Uranus. For Jupiter over Mars-Uranus, Ebertin has: 

The correct grasp of a situation coupled with timely action ; good luck with an accident. 

After two days of violence, Imran Khan walked free when the Supreme Court (incidentally also ruled by Jupiter) stepped in and defused the situation.
