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Pluto Station: Unravelling Hidden Truths


 Pluto Retrograde Tarot Spread: Sharron Basanti 


Pluto stations retrograde at 0º21’ Aquarius on May 1st . This is an invitation to work on integrating what we have learned about ourselves and our psychology throughout the last months. The following extract from Moon Omens explains the meaning of the station. 

Pluto stations retrograde: Reorienting our Evolutionary Journey 

Retrogrades inspire us to see things from a different state of consciousness, to go beyond our ordinary perception. When a planet goes retrograde, we are encouraged to shift our focus inward, explore new perspectives, think outside the box, and find new ways of dealing with recurring issues. By inspiring us to question our choices, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, retrogrades accelerate our individuation and personal growth. 

Pluto always invites us to dive into our unconscious: this planet, the modern ruler of Scorpio, is considered to be the catalyst of evolution. Pluto’s energy is associated with death and rebirth processes, our deepest wounds, fears, and shadows, as well as our hidden gifts and true power. This planet represents all that we tend to avoid or sweep under the rug, everything we spend lifetimes running away from. Yet, Pluto teaches us that it is only by confronting and integrating all that we are that we can become whole, we can be real, and we can be free. 

Pluto goes retrograde once a year for approximately five months. This is a time of self-reflection, self-excavation, and reassessment of where we are at in our transformation journey. The planet’s shift of motion begins a phase of revision, reflection, and redirection of our personal and collective evolution. 

While the Pluto station affects everyone, it is especially significant for those who have elements of their radix/ return/ progressed charts within say +/- 3 degrees of 0 Aquarius, 0 Taurus, 0 Leo, 0 Scorpio. 

Here are some examples: 

The US Sibly has Pluto at [27cp]; Ukraine President Zelensky has Mars at [0le] 

For the US, the Pluto station may begin an avalanche of bankruptcies and the unravelling of issues that could spell a financial disaster. Taken together, the Pluto station activates Sibly Pluto opposite Zelensky’s Mars. This could be the push to rethink the war in Ukraine. 

In the chart of the UK, Jupiter is placed at [1leo] so that the Pluto station opposite Jupiter in the 10th house (government) may bring the leaders to recognize that they may have  been going down the wrong path and now need to make some changes under difficult circumstances. This news appears to suggest just that 

The Ascendant in China’s national chart is [1aq] so that the Pluto station is conjunct the Ascendant. Astrologers think of Aquarius as a sign of brotherhood, and link it to the coming together of people in friendship or group collaboration. Isn’t China doing just that with its successful Belt and Road initiiative and its recent effort to bring the warring parties Iran and Saudi Arabia together to sign a peace accord. 

In the previous post on NATO, I wrote: 

The solar eclipse of April 20th [29ar] fell on the TNP Hades [26ar] - North Node [26] and square Jupiter [29cp]. One meaning of this combination is decline (Hades) in group cohesion (Node) follows a period of over optimism and overextension (Jupiter). 

The Pluto station will be conjunct NATO’s radix Jupiter [29cp] so that we may see events that bear out the foregoing.
