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Saturn station and the Eight of Cups marks endings.


On May 28th the Sun [6ge] having squared Saturn [6pi] as it prepares to station retrograde at [7pi] on June 17th is setting up events that may be best described as endings. In her book Retrograde Planets, Erin Sullivan describes the feeling around Saturn retrograde as follows: 

The immediate response to the station is usually dead calm, and may pass unnoticed, although there may be hints of restlessness and frustration with the status quo. Depending on what natal contacts are being made, the terminus reached at the station can either be a relief, an oppression or an outright loss. There is often great difficulty in determining what has ended, and the period is often associated with a mild form of depression or lethargy. If one has come to the natural ending of a project through which much energy has been focused, the depression is an instinctive psychic tranquillizer secreted to soothe the anxiety that always attends the void of completion. If a relationship has ended around the time of a Saturn station, the withdrawal for healing involves an alchemical transformation which is long and slow, including the endurance of several stages. Not all Saturn stationary-retrograde periods coincide with endings. Although externally they may appear to do so, they are truly a beginning of an entirely new relationship with one's environment and one's inner feelings of power and authority. The station begins a process in which a container, a chrysalis, is constructed, within which mysterious unconscious processes begin to metamorphose. There is usually a theme; normally one is subtly aware of a necessary shift or change, but instinctively resists.


To Erin Sullivan’s take on Saturn retrograde add the fact that, Saturn is stationing in the first decan of Pisces associated with the Eight of Cups card of the Minor Arcana illustrated above by Pamela Colman Smith  and we begin to see that it is definitely about endings. The image contains a figure retreating into a watery, island realm of caves. The first face of Pisces is ruled by Saturn, which aligns perfectly with the image of a person turning away from the accepted and familiar in order to receive new visions of depth and penetrating insight. 

Coppock wrote that in the first decan of Pisces we “recognize our imprisonment in our own reality construct” as well as “the possibility of liberation” by moving beyond our former boundaries into “a world as yet uncorrupted by our assumptions.” 

Karen Hamaker-Zondag explains that in the Eight of Cups an old emotional situation is left behind: therefore the card often has to do with saying goodbye. The new is still unknown; so the Eight of Cups often speaks to us of emotional insecurity or of the feeling that we do not know exactly what we want. 

Essentially in the Eight of Cups we reach a realization in the realm of emotions: what we realize here is that we are done. Overwhelmed and saturated, we now know it is time to move on.


China has declined a request from the United States for a meeting between their defense chiefs at an annual security forum in Singapore this weekend, media reported on Monday, a new sign of strain between the powers.


 With transit Saturn conjunct the US Sibly draconic Sun [6pi] and the chart for the Sun square Saturn drawn for the midpoint of Beijing and Washington DC very significantly straddling the meridian, what kind of endings might we see here!

