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Will the US default on its debt in June?


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has written to Congress, reiterating her warning that - in her completely apolitical position - the US government will run out of extraordinary measures to keep paying the bills by June 1st..As Bloomberg reports, the US Treasury Department said in a statement Friday that it had just $88 billion of extraordinary measures to help keep the government’s bills paid as of May 10. 

Why is this happening now? Well of course the most important reason is the is the US Sibly Pluto return in the second house... the second reason is the Pluto station retrograde early May. I believe the third and more immediate reason is Jupiter [29ar53] transiting over the April 20th solar eclipse [29ar50] which I discussed at length in [1]. 

The April 20th solar eclipse at [29ar] is square the US Sibly Pluto in the 2nd house going through its Pluto Return. The core of the Pluto Return operates through Capricorn and the 2nd house. Capricorn represents the authoritative structures of society in government, business, and institutions. The 2nd house is about money. Eroding trust in authority and faith in institutions was a big part of the Uranus/Pluto square, and the Pluto Return intensifies that fall from grace. The challenge of the US Sibly Pluto Return is to transform greed, selfishness, and domination into qualities more harmonious and life-affirming. 

Pluto’s energy is associated with death and rebirth processes, our deepest wounds, fears, and shadows. This planet represents all that we tend to avoid or sweep under the rug, everything we spend lifetimes running away from. Yet, Pluto teaches us that it is only by confronting and integrating all that we are that we can become whole, we can be real, and we can be free. 

In this post we examine an interesting connection between the foregoing astrology and the Minor Arcana Tarot card , THE FOUR OF PENTACLES (see image)  that is assigned to the third decan of Capricorn where Sibly Pluto is positioned. 

Austin Coppock in his book on the decans 36 Faces ascribed the image of “The Throne” to the third face of Capricorn, a fitting image given that the Sun rules the decan. Coppock wrote that this face of Capricorn involves administering from a throne to control the elements of the world needed to attain material gain and positions of greater power and responsibility. Notably, Coppock cautioned that hubris can tempt those grasping for power in this face to overlook the weight of responsibility and the loneliness of isolation that accompany achieving ambitions. 

Coppock warned that accumulations of material wealth, power, and responsibility “may end up crushing them,” the idealized palace turning into a restrictive prison as “only high places bring with them the danger of terrible falls.” Coppock concluded that the third face of Capricorn draws us “close to high seats of power,” we need to remember that influential “positions always come with responsibility, and to sit in them is to be tempted by hubris.”

Resonating with Coppock, for the Four of Pentacles...Astro Talk writes: 

When the Four of Pentacles is reversed, it may mean that you are letting money slip between your fingers and that your spending tends to outpace your saving tendencies. Unintentionally spending in the hopes that it will make you happy just increases worry and tension as your money account gets smaller. The Four of Pentacles in reverse might occasionally indicate that your love of money has evolved into greed.

 Time is running out for Congress to raise the nation’s debt limit, which controls how much money the government can borrow to pay its bills. Lawmakers will need to reach a bipartisan agreement to lift the cap. Since the United States reached its debt limit in January, the Treasury Department has been using accounting tricks — known as “extraordinary measures” — to continue paying America’s bills and avoid default. The US government will run out of extraordinary measures to keep paying the bills by June 1st.


The Full Moon of June 3rd [13sa] not only aligns with the Sibly Ascendant but is sharply semi-square radix Pluto. Moreover, a chart for the Full Moon drawn for Washington, DC has Pluto on the Ascendant in a T-square with Jupiter and Mars - a combination often associated with bankruptcy following an over extension. Can we be certain that June is the month for the US default? Most certainly .. No...but the probability is high.


[1] Solar Eclipse and the US Financial Crisis




  1. Nature's mind is to evolve right Javed. Or be crushed by the pentacle itself.


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