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Astrology of the India train accident




It appears to be a common practice among astrologers to draw the chart for an event when trying to explain the reason behind that event. Some go further and include charts for the current lunation. In my experience while these charts do provide some information, in many cases, they may still not be basic enough to understand the “root cause” . If the chart of the nation is available, it should be analyzed first...the other mundane charts can follow. 


The table below gives the Primary (Van Dam) progressions for India’s chart. The two radix planets highlighted - Mercury and the Moon - are both placed in the 3rd house which has rulership over “the transport system and all means of inland transit, locomotion or communication, such as railways, road and river traffic, cars etc.” The hard aspects of Sun and Pluto to the radix planets provide the first hint that an accident was likely. Transit Mars going over radix Mercury on 2nd June provided the final trigger. 


 India - Natal Chart

 15 Aug 1947, 00:00, IST -5:30

 Delhi India, 28°N40', 077°E13' 

Selection: Primary Mundane (Van Dam) 

P1 (H)    Asp      P2 (H)          Type       Date                Pos1               Pos2              

 Plu (6)    Sqr      Mon (3)        Pv-Na     17 Jun 2023      27°Li06' D     27°Cn06' D

Sun (6)    Sqr      Mer (3)         Pv-Na     17 Jun 2023      06°Sc47' D     06°Le47' D 

*** END REPORT ***


While it may be true that a train accident is one possible meaning of the two primary aspects, it is not the only meaning. So why did the horrific accident take place? Is there a more fundamental reason? I believe there is and to understand that we need to look at the two 6th to 3rd house squares. The 6th house, among other things, is linked to “sorrow” as catalyst for self-improvement. What kind of self-improvement are we talking about? About Pluto-Moon moving aspects, Steven Forrest tells us: 

If you are pretending to be happy...a Pluto-Moon event will try to reveal that fact to you. The notion of pretending to be happy may seem odd and pointless, but many times we humans are willing to pay a terrible price simply to avoid rocking the boat. Should such a circumstance apply, when a Moon-Pluto contact occurs, an unnamed mood of discontent will arise. If you commit yourself to honesty and follow that mood where it leads, you will learn what you need to in order to restore a self-nurturing quality to your life. If you don’t make that commitment and follow through on it, then you will simply experience a rotten mood...that endures indefinitely as a dull numb feeling - “a resolution to be dead”.

The Moon in mundane astrology stands for the “public” or the “masses”. In India, the masses have remained supine unable to rise up against the ruling class who continue to oppress them without elicting as much as a whimper. Pluto is symbolically related to disintegration and death so that the quote above applies when we are unable to bring forth all that is suppressed. 

Moon [27cn] is in the third decan of Cancer linked to the Four of Cups of the Minor Arcana. According to Karen Hamaker-Zondag, four is painful because in the psyche it is associated with painful insights into ourselves. The necessary process of becoming of four can go hand in hand with denial and petrifaction, flight from confrontation etc., while on the other hand by the very fact of the confrontation, it can be a powerful step towards wholeness. 

The Minor Arcana card for Mercury [6le] is the Five of Wands. When afflicted (reversed) it can represent fear of confrontation, shyness, suppressing your temper and feeling intimidated. 

On June 11th when Pluto renters Capricorn, at Delhi it will be very significantly placed on the IC. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has been serving to address patterns of avoidance or fears to relinquish diminishing modes of living. This requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically. Failure to do so can result in serious “accidents”. 

Finally, we note that among events related to the stars that form the backdrop to radix Moon [27cn], Diana Rosenberg (v.1, p. 449-53) has “train wrecks” citing the following examples: 

This was  Neptune at the fiery Quintinshill, Scotland 3-train collision in 1915 (one a troop train carrying Scots Guards) that killed 227 - “the worst train wreck in British history, the MC at the 1999 Ladbrook Grove train wreck and fire.
