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Bhopal Fire as Pluto re-enters Capricorn




A massive fire erupted in Bhopal’s Satpura Bhawan complex, which houses several important government offices, on Monday evening. According to fire department officials, the blaze was first reported on the third floor of the building around 4 pm.

Many events can be explained by what astrologers refer to as planetary ingresses. This term refers to the entry (or re-entry) of a planet into a new sign. And places where the ingress takes place on the horizon or meridian axes are the ones most likely to be affected. 

On June 11, Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn. A chart for the ingress at Bhopal has it placed exactly on the IC (4th house cusp). In mundane astrology, the 4th house rules buildings among other things [1]. 

Pluto is a pattern disrupter and deprogrammer. And in Capricorn this means its disruptive energy is focused on large institutions like governments. Most institutions suffer scandal after scandal as hidden frailties and fallibilities of the human beings who run these institutions come to light. Eventually, these institutions collapse, necessitating the creation of new structures for organizing society. 




PS: A chart for Pluto’s re-entry into Capricorn drawn for Delhi also has it placed on the IC. What can we expect ...there are many ways it can manifest...not just necessarily a fire! For example a battle between the government (10th house; MC) and the opposition (4th house; IC) in which the overeaching power of the government is brought to light etc.
