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Lunar Eclipse and the Ukraine dam collapse


A major Soviet-era dam in the Russian controlled part of southern Ukraine was breached on Tuesday, unleashing floodwaters across the war zone in what both Ukraine and Russia said was an intentional attack by the other's forces.



The effect of an eclipse is felt strongly when (a) it falls on major elements of a radix chart or  (b) when it aligns with horizon or meridian at any place. In Ukraine’s national chart (see image), the Scorpio lunar eclipse of May 5th fell on the meridian activating the radix combination [Admetus-Pluto]. Martha Wescott defines Admetus as a “blockage” or “resistance”.  Admetus [15ta] is conjunct the star Zibal [14ta] in the constellation Eridanus - the Celestial River - (a dam?). Among events linked to this star, Diana Rosenberg has “inundations, drowning” ! (see news [1])



PLUTO: Demolition without rebuilding; Change enacted without consideration of consequences or impact.

Martha Wescott describes a Admetus-Pluto interaction as under: 

Long term situations that "haven't budged an inch" are headed for explosive situations that will "expose them to the core" People (and I would add structures e.g. the dam here) who have stood--apparently rock solid--are gonna' get "ground down," are gonna' wear themselves out, are gonna' reach a point where "they can't take it anymore." Even rocks dissolve in the presence of water or enough heat!

The eclipse Moon [14ta] was opposite Uranus in Taurus[18ta]. About Uranus in Taurus, Sue Tompkins writes: 

Uranus and Taurus are an interesting combination to attempt to fathom. Taurus — the sign that, out of the entire zodiac, is the most resistant to change — meets the planet that insists upon it. Uranus challenges the status quo and forces both the individual and society to change and, in particular, to break with the past. From the purely Uranian point of view, clinging to the past can only hinder progress. From the deliberate, enduring, and persistent Taurean viewpoint, change not only might topple the much-beloved quiet life, it also threatens the most important thing of all: security. Both the planet and the sign are coming from different places, but both share a refusal to budge from their entrenched positions.

With eclipse Uranus [18ta] conjunct Ukraine’s radix  Admetus and opposite Pluto in Scorpio [17sc] something must give. For Ebertin Uranus-Pluto is “collapse of an old order (structures?)”. After the battle for Bakhmut, the Ukraine regime is on the verge of collapse ...metaphorically symbolized by the dam burst.


