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Astrology of the 'Cocaine sharks' off Florida


Pisces Australis, the Southern Fish

Shark Week show delves into whether sharks off the coast of Florida are coming into contact with the huge quantities of cocaine that get dumped in these waters. 

For decades, huge bundles of cocaine have washed up on Florida beaches, having been smuggled from South and Central America. Hauls are often dumped at sea (both to give to smugglers and evade law enforcement), and currents and tides push them to shore. In June, the U.S. Coast Guard seized over 14,100 pounds (6,400 kilograms) of cocaine in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, with an estimated value of $186 million.



Astrologers routinely draw charts for monthly lunations, planetary ingresses, exact planetary aspects etc to understand how they affect events at any place. As always planetary combinations brought to the angles in these charts (horizon and meridian) are the ones that are most influential. Presented here is the chart for the exact Mars - Saturn oppostion of July 20, the very day the article in the news was published. At Florida Keys, a chart for the exact opposition has it placed square the horizon axis.



Mars in its negative expression, is linked to violence and crime while Saturn is the law or authority that enforce the law. It is because of this that you will come across news that deal with crime (or its effect as in this case here) especially when you have these two planets in hard aspect (conjunction, square or opposition). And not surprisingly it is in places where the combination appears aligned with the angles. 

On the Ascendant [8sa] is alpha Scorpii, the Royal star Antares [10sa]. Among events linked to this star, Diana Rosenberg lists, “poisoning (including environmental poisoning, addictions”. Surprisingly on the Ascendant is also the asteroid Bacchus [6sa]. 

BACCHUS: Excess; addiction; attempts to manage feelings, people and situations through substitution or avoidance; contact with orchards, pine and fir trees, vineyards; intoxication.

Making a square aspect to the Ascendant is Saturn [6pi20] conjunct the star Fomalhaut [4pi11], alpha Piscis Austrini, in the mouth of the Southern Fish! 

All the elements are in place. The Fish (Fomalhaut) ingesting an addictive drug (Bacchus) that has poisoned (Antares) the waters as a result of a standoff between criminals and authorities (Mars/Saturn).
