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Cancer New Moon advocates minimalism


Minimalism, a value revolving around the reduction of material possessions and consumption, is an emerging lifestyle and consumer movement.


In an online article “When less is more”, London based researchers Wei-Fen Chen, Jingshi (Joyce) Liu examine consumers' responses to minimalist appeals. Minimalism, which encourages people to live with fewer possessions, is an emerging theme in marketing communication that often appeals to the sustainable ideal of reducing consumption and waste.


The article appeared online on July 13, a few days before the New Moon and the Sun-Pluto opposition both of which aligned with angles at London. The Sun in this chart as well as the New Moon are placed in the last decan of Cancer.


The Minor Arcana card associated with this decan is Four of Cups. About this decan Gray Crawford writes: 

Ruled by the Moon and Jupiter, the third decan of Cancer is a face in which we must come to terms with available resources and questions of our fair share and how much is enough. Austin Coppock in 36 Faces gave the image of “The Overflowing Cup” to the third decan of Cancer, declaring that it reveals the conflict of choosing “luxurious excess” within “a world of limited material resources” in which “the attainment of luxury for one entails deprivation for others.” Coppock noted that the ascetic air of the figure in the Four of Cups refusing to accept more than he needs reflects having awareness of the “hidden violence and secret competition entailed within the quest for luxury.” Yet in the way the figure also appears to be conjuring the magical fourth cup, Coppock declared that the third face of Cancer also involves the spiritual dimension of abundance and luxury, the “ever-refilled” cup offered by Spirit, “the endless luxury of the limitless,” and the “ever present energy of the natural world- the chi which emanates from all living things.”
