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Impeachment of Joe Biden



Much like a birth chart, the chart for a President’s inauguration tells us a lot about how his term will go. Several astrologers have commented on the chart. Here is an extract from Maressa Brown from an article published on January 7, 2021.



The Moon Will Be Void-of-Course

The moon spends about two and a half days in a sign. Sometimes, it'll make its last meetup with another planet and then, for a few hours or even a whole day, take what feels like an energetic time-out before moving into the next sign. This is referred to as a moon "void-of-course" (VOC or V/C) moon, and it's a limbo phase that tends to bring energy and action to a standstill. It's a lovely time to rest, recharge, be creative, go with the flow, but it doesn't quite lend itself to getting much done. If you've ever been sitting in an airport for hours contending with a delayed flight without Mercury retrograde to blame, it's possible you were dealing with a void. And thus, with the moon void of course — falling at 29º Aries — in the Inauguration Day chart, could be interpreted as an indicator that it'll be tough for Biden to move the ball forward on his sweeping agenda. (We already know that even with a Democratic majority in Congress, he'll need at least some Republican support to pass major legislation.) 

Moon voids on Inauguration Day have also been linked to presidential terms that ended prematurely (e.g. FDR's fourth term in 1945, JFK's 1961 inauguration, and Nixon's in 1973).


 The solar eclipse of April 20, 2023 at [29ar50] fell in conjunction to the Void of Course Moon [29ar] activating its significance and generally indicating that President’s term is likely to come to an end say within about 6 months of the eclipse - a period considered by astrologers to be the approximate duration of the influence of an eclipse. On June 22, 2023, the date of the impeachment resolution, transiting Pluto [29cp47] was square the eclipse degree within just 3” of arc thereby triggering it. Pluto stationed retrograde on May 1, 2023 at [0aq22] conjunct Biden’s inauguration chart Sun [0aq51] in the 10th house implying a crisis and possible ending of a leadership position. 

In his book Planets in Transit, Robert Hand writes about transit Pluto conjunct the MC. “With Pluto, what is required is not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to violate the rules of your game in order to win, this transit is likely to bring you crashing down in failure”.





