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Joe Biden and Venus retrograde




Below is my column in the New York Post on the last ditch effort of the members of Congress and the media to get the public to just “move on” from the Biden corruption scandal. The message has been clear and amplified, as former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) insisted on MSNBC, “Everybody needs to back off!” As evidence and public interest increase, it is a bit late for spin or shiny objects. This week, the scandal is likely to be even more serious for the Bidens and the country.



As the Joe Biden scandal reaches a fever pitch readers may like to revisit some of my earlier posts [1][2]. 

Aldebaran is a bright red star in the sky in the southern eye of the constellation Taurus, The Bull. It was seen as the god Mithra, or Ahura Mazda, the slayer of the Cosmic Bull. As well, Mithra was a warrior king who also held the title ‘lord of contracts’. He considered all exchanges were sacred and in overseeing the business of his followers, insisted on their honesty and purity or else they would be condemned to an ordeal of fire. From these ancient beliefs and customs we can extrapolate a more current and present-day meaning regarding success, for Aldebaran, in keeping with all the Royal Stars, promises the attainment of one’s goals but only, in this case, by maintaining moral integrity. [2] 

Currently the Primary Direction in Joe Biden’s chart is: 

Primary Directions (Van Dam): Asc square Sun (Dec 2023) 

With the radix Sun square the Nodes, Joe Biden is born with a “Moon Wobble” - a phenomenon linked to “political and personal upheavals” that “bring suppressed energies to the surface, erupting and disrupting”.


So that is the Primary Direction. Is there a fast moving trigger? Yes, indeed. Venus has just stationed retrograde [28le] conjunct Biden’s radix North Node [29le] and square his Sun [27sc] setting off the Primary Direction.


 In an earlier post [3] on the ongoing Venus retrograde cycle, I wrote: 

The Mayans believed that the point at which Venus reaches her heliacal rising about six to seven days after her inferior conjunction with the Sun (June 3), was when political situations were particularly unstable and leaders insecure and fallible. Bruce Scofield says he has found the heliacal rising, “often corresponds to a time of failure or resignation on the part of leaders”. 


[1] The horoscope of Joe Biden

[2] Joe Biden and the star Aldebaran

[3] Upcoming Venus retrograde cycle
