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“There is NO CLIMATE Emergency”: Independent Foundation





“There is NO CLIMATE Emergency”

Independent Foundation, Scientists sign TOTAL SIGNATORIES 1,580


The joint letter by the scientists to António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations was signed by Professor A.J. (Guus) Berkhout on June 23, 2023 at Amsterdam. Coincidentally, this happens to be just two days after the Sun’s entry into Cancer. A chart for this important cardinal ingress drawn for Amsterdam is significant since a powerful Grand Cross straddles the horizon axis.


For the Jupiter-Pluto square, Ebertin has ”the desire to exploit the masses” . Pluto in Capricorn represents the hierarchy in society, where authorities at the top give orders that are to be obeyed by all those below. These “orders” may be literal policies and rules of social operation, or they may be less tangible instructions concerning what we all should believe. 

Moreover, Pluto is placed amidst the stars of Aquila, the Eagle - a symbol of authoritarian leadership that has been associated with politicians. Also here are stars of Vulpecula, the Fox. 

The Fox is indicative of the sly, cunning, covert maneuvers used to get the goose, and, as is most often the case, disguised to be something other than what it truly is. Vulpecula has an "insidiously cunning and voraciously violent" characteristic. Nick Fiorenza 

As we saw above, Jupiter-Pluto in its negative expression can be powerful institutions, that aim to exploit the masses. However, in its positive expression, Jupiter-Pluto symbolizes those who offer guidance or provide the groundwork for significant insights which can become the basis for very important changes. Unfortunately, the sleeping masses may not notice the difference between the two until it is too late. 

In any complex configuration, the slowest moving aspect is the defining one. Here the defining aspect is the Haumea[29li] sq, Pluto [29cp]. About the newly discovered dwarf planet Haumea, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

Haumea motivates action to reorient destructive use of intercede with strength and dynamic motion from a state of equilibrium and poise to create a new and wholistic birth in consciousness, and to express a new level of awareness about what is truly life supportive.


 Additional reading


Feverish BBC Reporting on European ‘Heatwaves’ Debunked by Actual Temperature Readings

