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Astrology of the Musk - Zuckerberg Cage Fight


Castor and Pollux in Greek Mythology

On Sunday morning, Elon Musk wrote on "X" -- formerly known as Twitter -- that he will be fighting his arch-nemesis Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, in a mixed martial arts cage match. 


A rare event like this one is an opportunity to test the principles of astrology. At her website, Martha Wescott defines the asteroid TORO as under: 

TORO: Machismo; bullying; intimidation; doing hard, physical work; strength (muscular); muscle flexing-psychologically or physically; challenging others; rough treatment; competitive; football; prizefighting; toughness. 

The noon charts for both the contestants are provided by Astro-Databank [1][2]. From these we have the following directed solar arc progressions: 

For Musk: 

Directed solar arc Toro [6li] square radix Sun [6cn] 

Zuckerberg’s radix Toro [19le] is square his radix Mars [ 19sc] 

Mars/Toro: -it's as though people feel that they have to "fight" or be overly assertive 

Therefore for his current age: 

For Zuckerberg directed solar arc Mars [27sa] square Musk’s radix Pluto [27vi] 

For Zuckerberg directed solar arc Toro [27vi] conjunct Musk’s radix Pluto [27vi]


Mars is interpreted as a symbol of masculinity, self-assertion and aggression. Understandably there is often a deep fear of the more primitive urges represented by Mars. On the other hand, Pluto in astrology represents all that we repress, sometimes these are traits that we need for our growth. The psychological law states that what we suppress we will meet outside as fate often through unpleasant circumstances. Aggression and ruthlessness are not at all bad traits in the appropriate circumstances. Survival is one of nature's primary goals and Mars-Pluto can bring awareness of the need to express aggression and ruthlessness for survival. 


So what do we know about the fight? The date has not yet been announced but the venue will be "Vegas Octagon." ..Las Vegas,NV. Here is the chart for the recent Venus station retrograde drawn for the location. Notice the much discussed Sun-Nodes-Pluto Grand Cross aligns perfectly with the meridian. I have referred to this combination as a “Moon Wobble” on steroids, when suppressed energy comes to the surface creating all kinds of upheavals. Conjunct the Sun around [28cn] is the star HD66684 at the Gemini Twins’ head. At [27cn] is 85 Geminorum, in Pollux’s right arm or club. The Gemini Twins depicted  with bow and arrows (Castor) and club (Pollux) were often at war with each other. (And don’t forget to notice the Moon [27vi] in this chart...a perfect trigger to progressed interaspects listed above). 

Pollux and Castor were also known for their boxing abilities.

And Diana Rosenberg adds: 

Liber Hermetis, under Pollux, lists merchants and businessmen: “big money,” power, competition and their effect on people play a major role under these stars. 



