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Astrology of the Morocco earthquake


King of Morocco Mohammed VI on Saturday declared three days of national mourning following a devastating earthquake that killed over 1,300 people and left more than 1,800 injured in the North African nation, media reports citing the Kingdom's Ministry of Internal Affairs.



In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Presented here is the Cancer ingress of the Sun (current cardinal ingress) drawn for Marrakech, Morocco.


Notice the significant alignment of the Pluto-Nodes-Vulcanus Grand Cross with the angles. (horizon and meridian). 

In his Combination of Stellar Influences, about Pluto/Node, Ebertin writes 

Pluto/Node :A common and tragic destiny of a large mass of people 

About Pluto, Richard Tarnas writes: 

To summarize the consensus of contemporary astrologers: Pluto is associated with the principle of elemental power, depth, and intensity; with that which compels, empowers, and intensifies whatever it touches, sometimes to overwhelming and catastrophic extremes; with the primordial instincts, libidinal and aggressive, destructive and regenerative, volcanic and cathartic, eliminative, transformative, ever-evolving; with the biological processes of birth, sex, and death, the cycle of death and rebirth; with upheaval, breakdown, decay, and fertilization; violent purgatorial discharge of pent-up energies, purifying fire; situations of life-and-death extremes, power struggles, all that is titanic, potent, and massive. Pluto represents the underworld and underground in all senses: elemental, geological, instinctual, political, social,sexual, urban, criminal, mythological, demonic. It is the dark, mysterious, taboo, and often terrifying reality that lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath the ego, societal conventions, and the veneer of civilization, beneath the surface of the Earth, that is periodically unleashed with destructive and transformative force. Pluto impels, burns, consumes, transfigures, resurrects.

The Cancer ingress was essentially saying that a Plutonian upheaval was likely in the quarter ruled by the ingress.  One possible date would be when the progressed angles reconnect with the Grand Cross. Here is the chart for the progressed positions on Sep. 8, the date of the quake. Notice the near perfect alignment of the progressed angles with the Grand Cross triggering the disaster.

To confirm that it was indeed the “violent” Grand Cross at work, notice that the chart for the exact time of the quake also has the Grand Cross in hard aspect to the angles. 

People often ask ....was this fated. And the answer is No! (see image above). Not clear what the quote from the Gospel of Thomas is saying? Well here is the modern version from Jung.



And just to see how all the pieces fit is the Morocco’s progressed solar return chart based on radix data at[1]. Is it at all surprising to see the Pluto-Vulcanus opposition aligned with the meridian? 







