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F-35 fighter jet disappears at Sun-Neptune opposition


The US military has asked for the public's help locate one of its $80m (£65m) F-35 fighter jets after the pilot ejected from the aircraft. It went missing on Sunday afternoon (Sep.17) when the pilot was flying over the southern state of South Carolina.


In the US Sibly, Neptune (deception or stealth and even disappearance) is square Mars in Gemini (war “bird”). The Sep. 14 New Moon [22vi] conjoined Neptune triggering this radix combination and the supernova SN 2023ixf [24vi30]. 

In an earler post [1] on the supernova SN 2023ixf, I wrote: 

The new supernova SN 2023ixf [24vi30] is conjunct US Sibly Neptune [22vi]...The Novae (or nova, which means “new”) notes the death of a star. Such a death symbolizes the period of grief and mourning for the previous psychology, now deleted. A needed time of sanction is required before the death spawns the next life form. What we know is that the previous way of being is gone. 

More specifically, the psychology that is being deleted is indicated by the stars and planet that form the backdrop to the supernova... in this case the planet is Neptune . The US Sibly Neptune-Mars square refers to wars of deception and deceit. The star here is Alkaid. [2] 

Alkaid was known as "the destroyer of nations" by Islamic astrologers. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.5.]  

So what is coming to end is the forever wars that the US has been indulging in since its birth as a nation. 

Can it be a coincidence that the F-35 incident took place just two days before the Sun opposed Neptune ...with the combination aligned very significantly with the horizon at Charleston? Here Neptune and the descendant are conjunct the star Scheat.


Beta (β) Pegasus, Scheat, is deep yellow star on the leg of the Winged Horse. The mythical story of the fall of Bellerophon (see image) from the Winged Horse Pegasus is linked to this star. A modern version of the Winged Horse is an aircraft so that this star has an association with air accidents. 

Symbolic interpretation of planetary combinations in a mundane chart are meaningful because they ultimately reflect an inner field of consciousness with its own laws and principles of meaning.



