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Pluto-Nodes: Choice between freedom and dependency

Mongolia, rich in minerals especially copper and rare earths, but sandwiched between China and Russia, is making a pivotal shift toward a “third neighbor” – the United States. During a recent visit to Washington, Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai aimed to fortify U.S. ties concerning critical minerals and particularly to enhance cooperation in rare earth mining. Additionally, Mongolia and the U.S. brokered an “Open Skies” aviation agreement, intended to bolster direct trade. August 12, 2023



Mongolia’s radix chart:Monday, July 11, 1921, 12:00 AM; Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

Based on the above, Mongolia’s current progressed Sun [27li] makes hard aspects to Sibly Pluto [27cp] - Hebe [25ar]..all triggered by the recent Pluto- Node transits. 

As the South Node enters Libra, the focus shifts to our relationships and the need for harmony. This period prompts us to reflect on our past patterns of over-dependency or people-pleasing tendencies and find a healthy balance in our interactions. It’s an opportune time to reevaluate our partnerships, set boundaries, and foster healthier connections. 

With the North Node in Aries, we are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones and embrace the qualities of Aries, such as courage, independence, and self-assertion. This is a time for personal growth, where we can take charge of our lives and pursue our passions with unwavering determination.

 Martha Wescott delineates Pluto-Hebe as under: 


Another "interesting" dynamic that will play a role in events will be the way that people get other people to serve their interests, to support the unsupportable, to accept the unacceptable. Oh yeah, $$$ can cause some people to bow down before just about anybody, and you'll no doubt be aware of some of that kind of thing. 

We live in a free will universe and individuals and nations can make choices that may not be in their long term interest. No star pattern ever prevents that. 

A chart for the upcoming New Moon at Ulaanbator has the Pluto-Node T-square aligned with the horizon....pointing to the same message ...acquire freedom ...don’t sell yourself in a relationship. 

If we want to see how we make different choices under the same planetary influences, here is the chart of the New Moon at Niger just before the coup..Here too the Nodes-PlutoT-square aligned with the horizon. Niger chose to throw the Western powers out to preserve its independence. 

Presented below is an extract from a previous post How is Karma born [1]: 

The birthchart may be looked upon as a symbolic picture of our frozen karma. Most of us are so conditioned by society and culture that our lives are only a superficially modified repetition of the sociocultural past. We must choose between allegiance to repeating that past – no matter how glorious it may have been – or choosing to transform that past in a creative way. 

Karma simply refers to the fact that any new cycle of existence is always in some manner related to some unfinished business of the old cycle. Dharma is nothing but the opportunity in the new cycle to work creatively with the old karma. If we refuse to create when the time comes we must take responsibility for the death and decay that must follow. Thus is new “karma” born. 

