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Stoltenberg admits the truth about Ukraine war




Yesterday, speaking at the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that NATO is responsible for deliberately provoking the war in Ukraine: 

“President Putin in the autumn of 2021 sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that. ... So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders”. Sep.8.


In astrology, an essential quality of Capricorn is that of preservation, as well as endurance within the midst of laws that cause extreme hardship or austerity. Capricorn symbolizes systems and structures which seek to preserve their dominance at any cost. 

But the underground stream that runs beneath the surface of those structures – that is a mystery. We only recognise its existence when it bursts into external life, and one of the ways in which it shows itself is that an entire group or country goes berserk and you have one of those gigantic upheavals or revolutions which ends in a bloodbath (as in Ukraine).. Pluto is that hidden underground stream. And finally, Pluto is about a return to integrity after all the destruction. When we confront our fears and take responsibility for what is ours to clean up, we will feel a sense of accomplishment, and often relief, in doing so. And that is what is now required of Jens Stoltenberg - an admission of the mistakes and the clean up that must follow.


Here is Stoltenberg’s current solar return chart. Notice Pluto in Capricorn placed very significantly on the ascendant as apex of a T-square with the Nodes. For Ebertin, Pluto-Node is “the tragic destiny of a large mass of people”


Next take a look at his lunar return (coincidentally on the very day he was speaking at the EU parliament!) chart. Once again the same Pluto-Node T-square aligned with the horizon axis. With North Node in Aries...courage to speak the truth? Notice in passing that the TNP Zeus (linked to the military..and by association war) is on the South Node.


Not convinced that we are on the right track? Well then take a look at the Wynn Key return for the EU chart [2] for the same day...the same configuration, once again aligned with the horizon. 



[2] European Union Nov. 1, 1993; 0:00 CET; Brussels


