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The Drug Bust of Justin Trudeau in India


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has returned to Canada from India, and his return has been eventful....According to multiple sources, the Canadian aircraft faced departure denial due to the discovery of a significant quantity of drugs onboard, creating a drug-related angle to the incident. Airport sniffer dogs reportedly detected a substantial amount of drugs on Trudeau’s plane, leading to the cancellation of his departure.



Trudeau’s horoscope has a significant Saturn opposite Neptune alignment with the meridian currently triggered by transit Saturn on the descendant forming a T-square with the combination. 


People are facing restrictions, obstacles and severe tests of their character and support system through dependency, addictions or through illness. 

Next we notice that the current Sun-Neptune opposition transit activates his Mars [29pi] square Bacchus (drugs/addiction) [27sa]. 

Mars in Pisces

Mars in Pisces people have a tendency to be addicted to either substances. or love but this is because they want to avoid looking inward.
