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The End of the American Dream





It can be difficult to believe that the wild scenes that we are witnessing on the streets of America are actually real. Earlier this week, I wrote an article entitled “What Life Is Really Like In America’s Hellish Inner Cities”. I wrote that article before the widespread looting that just erupted in Philadelphia. Just when I think that conditions in our core urban areas have reached a low point, they seem to find a way to get even worse. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of this crisis. As economic conditions continue to deteriorate, countless numbers of people will become very desperate. And when countless numbers of people become very desperate, our society will descend into a permanent state of chaos. On Tuesday night (Sep.26), dozens of young people went on a rampage in the city of Philadelphia.


The core of the US Sibly Pluto Return operates through Capricorn and the 2nd house. Capricorn represents the authoritative structures of society in government, business, and institutions. The 2nd house is about money. Eroding trust in authority and faith in institutions was a big part of the Uranus/Pluto square, and the Pluto Return intensifies that fall from grace. The challenge of the US Sibly Pluto Return is to transform greed, selfishness, and domination into qualities more harmonious and life-affirming. 

What we are seeing in the actions of the US is endless examples of hatred and violence. But that’s how Pluto works. It dredges up from the unconscious the absolute worst of what and who we are, vomiting up that toxic stew, in order to clean out the basement.


The Sibly Pluto return can be looked upon as a slow moving “hour hand” of the cosmic clock which can be activated by faster moving transits, lunar return etc. acting like the “minute hand”. Presented here is the chart for the Sep. 26 lunar return drawn for Philadelphia. Notice that it brings Pluto to the Ascendant and the Pluto-Nodes T-square straddling the horizon. The centaur Echeclus is conjunct the descendant and opposite Pluto. 

Echeclus: a broken or crumbling power base. 

For the stars conjunct Echeclus, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Indignant over injustice, they are quick to anger, with a danger of violence (star of Pollux’s club) are here. 

Also close to the descendant are the TNPs Kronos [15cn] and Hades [13cn] both transting the Sibly radix Sun [13cn]. These TNPs are conjunct the star Sirius, alpha Canis Major. 

In China this was the baleful Jackal or “Wolf Star” associated with thievery and looting. It was said that when the Wolf star changed color, banditry would curse the land. And at least two Amerind tribes, the Pawnee and Osage, called Sirius either the “Wolf Star”or “Coyote Star”.
