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UK’s colossal rise in child death


On the cusp of the new COVID-19 booster shot rollout, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Edward Dowd, gives Del a shocking update highlighting the colossal rise of excess deaths in children in the UK since the COVID vaccine was rolled out. Sep. 8


By now, most people are wise to the coronavirus fearmongering and pro-shots hype. Instead of rushing out to take the new shot, their reaction to being urged to take it will be along the lines of “you’ve got to be kidding,” “not a chance,” or just a simple “nope.” 

It would be great if top health officials also stand up to the coronavirus shots propaganda that threatens individuals’ health through the encouragement that they be injected repeatedly with dangerous and ineffective shots.


The United Kingdom was the first Western nation to begin vaccinating its citizens with a Covid-19 shot outside of clinical trials. Here is the chart for the First Vaccination [1]. Superimpose this on the horoscope of the United Kingdom (Jan.1; 1801; 0:00 LMT; London)  for clues pointing to “ the colossal rise of excess deaths in children since the COVID vaccine was rolled out”. The Ascendant of the First Vaccination (FV) chart [28sc] is conjunct asteroids Child [27sc] - Siwa [26sc] - TNP Hades [27sc] in the UK chart. These elements are conjunct Neptune [18sc] and square Saturn [23le] (ruler of 5th house - children) triggered by progressed Sun [18le]. 

CHILD: events with children

SIVA: also SIWA: crisis of death

Finally we notice that the news comes to us on Sep. 8 just four days after Venus stationed to go direct [12le] conjunct the star Kochab, beta Ursa Minor - the bear cub. Among events related to stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg has ”issues relating to the destruction or protection of children”. 

The Venus station [12le] is square UK’s radix Mars [11ta] in the 8th house of ”danger to the people through war or national disasters..public mortality, the death rate” [2]



[1] Horoscope of the first COVID vaccination in UK


