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Zelensky Threatens To Terrorize Europe


The Economist published an interview with the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenski where he threatens, in rather unthankful fashion, those countries which have delivered aid to Ukraine but may want to cut their losses: 

"There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner” ".


National charts can be a treasure trove of information so that most current events can be easily understood from transits and directions to the chart elements.


Presented here is the horoscope of the European Union with only elements relevant to our discussion. Let us focus on the current Uranus conjunct the Moon which is setting off the Moon-Mars-Pluto-Saturn T-square.

 Mars-Pluto is in Scorpio (4th house) square Saturn in Aquarius(7th house). 

Scorpio/Aquarius: Resentment and vindictive anger (Scorpio) can threaten friendships (Aquarius) 

Ukranian officials have spoken of terrorism they would unleash in the West should it end its support for Ukraine.  

Scorpios are unforgiving and feel a need to take revenge when they have been wronged. This means that Scorpios who lack a conscience can be exceptionally dangerous. 

Seventh House

All forms of partnerships. Watters notes that affliction of the 7th represents: "an open rupture in a partnership or marriage”.... in mundane charts shows the possibility of war.

 At least two major mundane events have acted as triggers to the violence contained in the T-square. 

(a) Uranus stationed rerograde on Aug. 29 at [23ta] triggering the T-square

(b) The August 16 New Moon [23le] fell opposite EU Saturn [23aq] once again triggering the EU T-square


Finally we note that the upcoming solar eclipse of Oct. 14 (already active) has the Pluto-Node-Zeus straddling the meridian at Brussels. For these Martha Wescott writes:




You'll see relationships in a state of major flux or deal with folks who have been pushed to their Wall and are contending with the circumstances that will make or break their very souls (or at least that's what they think and how they act... and it may well be true.) There are some interesting "tests" and "teachings" here: Can you be who and how you really are with important others? Can you let them Be (without either of you "messing" with the other in emotionally unhealthy ways?) Do you know what's "yours" and what isn't when people "infer" things that are directed toward your insecurities, guilts and defenses? Can you articulate how this person (and you for them) represent a demand for growth and integrity?



 You may also come to understand that people who are filled with unhealthy needs and unresolved emotions can easily be triggered (and set off like a damned rocket)--they're overly sensitized to "who's in charge" and what will happen if someone else mounts the throne and gets to dictate how things go--so they're like a huge boulder perched precariously on the edge of a doesn't take much to upset that balance and push them over the edge.



