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Eclipse and the archaeological discovery in Spain


A new decorated stela has been found in context, in the 3000-year-old funerary complex of Las Capellanías, in Cañaveral de León (Huelva, south-west of Spain). It is thought that late prehistoric stelae in Iberia were created to commemorate important personages. This new stela depicts a human figure with a headdress, a necklace, and two swords. The figure also has a detailed face, hands and feet, as well as male genitals. Las Capellanías is being excavated within a fieldwork project co-directed by the Department's Dr Marta Diaz-Guardamino. Oct.4


Eclipses are among the most dramatic and eventful cosmic phenomena. While they are worldwide in their scope, they affect those places where they fall on the angles. more powerfully.

The solar eclipse of Oct. 14 occurred very significantly on the horizon axis (descendant) at Cañaveral de León, Spain implying that its effect would be felt very strongly in events at the place.


The eclipse is conjunct the star Archturus of Bootes - often referred to as the “armed one” - a Semitic name for him was Sainakakkimakhtsu - “he who fights with weapons.” It is square Pluto [27cp] conjunct the stars of Indus, the Indian. About Indus, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Research has shown that this figure does seem to relate to indigenous people and their folklore, as well as ancient and prehistoric cultures, arts and artifacts. 

On the IC of the chart are the TNPs Kronos (leaders/important personages) - Hades (the past).

According to the news, “it is thought that late prehistoric stelae in Iberia were created to commemorate important personages”. 

TNPs Kronos-Hades and the IC are sextile Jupiter[13ta] which is conjunct the star Zibal of Eridanus.The celestial river Eridanus is often depicted flowing backwards symbolizing events from the past. For events connected with the stars in this area, Diana Rosenberg has “discoveries of ancient artifacts”

 Making a hard aspect to the IC-Kronos-Hades is Saturn [1pi] which is part of the ancient Chinese asterism Wei that presided over tombs and graves. (discovery of ancient artifacts from graves?)



