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Israel’s desperate bid to avoid justice


Palestinian Refugees

The events in Israel are in every sense a hostage-taking event by Khazarian Mafia criminals seeking to avoid arrest and war crimes tribunals. They are also trying to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card. They are doomed to fail. Oct.16.


A national horoscope can be a source of a wealth of information both about the character of its people and the trials and tribulations that they must go through. As in a chart of an individual so also in the chart of nation transits of outer planets to the Sun, Moon and the angles mark the more important periods. 

In the national chart of Israel, Pluto has been transiting on the IC (4th house cusp) for some time now. So what is new? The October eclipse [22li] on Israel’s Ascendant has given new life to the Pluto transit in the 4th house. In the radix Hades[27ar] - Admetus [20ar] on the descendant (7th cusp) are also activated. The 7th house in a national chart refers to “enemies” (Palestinians) among other things. The 4th house represents the “history of a land and the “core” foundation of a country”. 

To the above meanings add the fact that Pluto (volcano!) is transiting the 4th square the Hades/Admetus combination on 7th cusp (enemies). Israelis have been living under – or upon – a volcano, believing themselves to be immune from standard legal and societal norms. Their control of over six million Palestinians seemed to be safe from intervention. 

From Martha Wescott we have: 


Think of Admetus as patience, determination and "hanging in there" (in the face of difficulties and frustrations.) Now, think of Hades, as...well, yeah, HELL (and, of course I'm exaggerating...I hope!) What happens: people "hang in there and pride themselves on being able to endure and survive"--while some situations go right down the hopper. 

Hades also stands for The Past--and that includes the Ancient Past. Admetus tends to "tighten and toughen" so it can "stand" something, and Hades brings decline. (this describes the condition of the “enemies”....the Palestinians quite well!).



To see that control needs and psychological complexity can cause situations (and people) to "take a nose dive" (enter a difficult period). Out of their own lack, a person can "mess" with others in a psychologically canny way. So you'll see a number of facets of "The Revenge of the Nerds"! (Hamas?).. Knowing that a cleansing requires investigation of secrets or the past; unacknowledged, buried or powerful feelings cause an internal festering or putrefaction..

There'll be moments to recognize that major changes can require periods of extensive and extendING difficulty. So the question could arise: How "low" does one have to sink before they REALLY change? And when things get truly tough, can a person RISE to the occasion? 



 Situations that have been endured for a long time begin to surface – problems that have been on simmer break into a full rolling boil. Having delayed elimination of intolerable problems, one faces confrontation with self or others and experiences a need for return to integrity – a need to know where one stands (and then to decide if one is willing to stand there!). 

Not only for Israel but also for many of us as transit Mars followed by the Sun and Mercury in October continue to square Pluto, we must recognize that we have entered an explosive moment, a moment of upheaval, power, force, and reckoning. We will be wise to avoid all "unnecessary" confrontations, power struggles, or reckless choices, while also making the bravest decisions we can, the decisions most likely to create the breakthrough we know we need. How we do things matter as much as what we do!
