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Lunar Eclipse and the Gold Standard Restoration Act


 WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Alex X. Mooney introduced H.R. 9157, the “Gold Standard Restoration Act.” 

The legislation calls for the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve to publicly disclose all gold holdings and gold transactions within 30 months, after which time the Federal Reserve note “dollar” would be pegged to a fixed weight of gold at its then-market price. Federal Reserve notes would become fully redeemable for and exchangeable with gold at the new fixed price, with the U.S. Treasury and its gold reserves backstopping Federal Reserve Banks as guarantor. Oct 10, 2023 [1] 

The date Oct 10, Congressman Alex X. Mooney introduced H.R. 9157, falls between 8th and 13th October, when transit Mars [27li - 0sc] first squared Sibly Pluto [27cp] in 2nd house and then conjoined Hades [0sc] in 11th. Pluto is in the Sibly 2nd house linked to the nation’s wealth. 

From Martha Wescott we have: 

Hades/Pluto: problems and decline through debt, reliance on credit, and loss of integrity 

Mars/Hades: to be active in investigations or finding the cause of present difficulties 

Capricorn rules the government and in its higher expression, Pluto is push to authenticity so that Pluto in Capricorn in the Sibly 2nd house is demanding a return to the real value of the nation’s assests.


The upcoming Oct. 29th eclipse at Washington DC has Moon [5ta] in the 2nd house opposite Sun [5sc] in the 8th house. The eclipse along with the Nodes is square Pluto in the 11th. In mundane astrology the 11th house rules “parliament as well as programs or schemes for improvement” [2]. The Sabian symbol for the eclipse Sun [5sc09] is: 

Scorpio 6 (5° - 6°): A GOLD RUSH 

And in addition, the eclipse Moon [5ta] is conjunct the star Caph of the constellationCassiopeia that Roman astrologer Manilius linked to gold! [3]. Can all this really be a coincidence?


[1] Gold Standard Restoration Act


