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Palestine Is Striking Back



This morning, the Islamic Jihad group announced the start of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, igniting another local war against Israel. They formally cited regular oppression and attempts on Al-Aqsa as reasons, where local Arab worshippers have been repressed repeatedly (in addition, there have been raids against the Islamic Jihad in Jenin over the past few weeks).

The operation began quite dramatically: a naval landing was carried out in the north of the Gaza Strip, and there are also reports of airborne landings - someone parachuted into rear cities.



The sudden upsurge of violence comes just as transit Mars triggers the upcoming Oct.14 solar eclipse in Libra (the scales) on the South Node.  

Here is an extract from my last post [1]: 

The balance between “mine” and “ours” hit a critical tipping point with the North Node in Aries (and the South Node in Libra) for its 18-month cycle: July 17, 2023 to January 11, 2025. Although this transit is worldwide in its effect, it is specifically significant for those places where the nodal axis is brought to the angles in mundane charts ... 

Needing peace and harmony we fall into unhealthy pleasing, passivity, and turning an eye away from that which is not peaceful yet still requires our attention. With the north node in Aries, we are being asked to redesign relationships to support our own personal growth by not letting other people’s dreams crowd out our goals.

It can mean standing up for individual freedom through the protection (and sometimes the reassertion) of personal rights against the draconian power of a government (Pluto in Capricorn) that no longer considers the rights of individuals to be lawful.


The mundane horoscope of Israel [2] as provided by Astro-Databank is reproduced here. The Ascendant [23li] is conjunct the upcoming Solar Eclipse of Oct. 14 at [21li]. In the last few days transit Mars (and the S.Node) have been moving over these degrees thereby providing the trigger for the sudden outbreak of violence.





The Hamas attack on Israel “began at 6:30 am local time.”  [3] A chart for the event has the same Ascendant as Israel’s radix[23li] ...and of course the Mars/S.Node transit triggering the upcoming solar eclipse. All of this square Pluto...war/violence!


