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Sumo wrestlers ‘too heavy’ for flight


 Japan Airlines was forced to lay on a short-notice extra flight last week after determining that two of its planes were at risk of exceeding weight limits due to the large numbers of sumo wrestlers among its passengers scheduled to travel.


The effect of an eclipse can be felt well before it occurs. Here is the chart for the Oct. 29 Full Moon lunar eclipse at Tokyo. The eclipse Moon [5ta] is conjunct Jupiter [11ta]. Jupiter in Taurus, a sign related to overindulgence in food, is a classic placement for overweight or obese people. The asteroids Toro [3cp], Icarus [5cp] and the TNP Cupido [5cp] make a trine aspect to the Moon-Jupiter conjunction. 

Martha Wescott delineates Jupiter-Toro as under: 

I do think that you'll notice "big strong men"--and perhaps hear jokes about "tough guys" (including football players or prize-fighters). 

The TNP Cupido is linked to families or groups and Icarus is about flights and aircrafts. So we have a group of overweight (Jupiter in Taurus) prize-fighters (Toro) taking a flight (Icarus). 

The fifth house rules all events associated with recreation, games, sports and by extension celebrities involved in these events. Saturn, the planet linked to rules and restrictions is conjunct the star Enif of Pegasus, the Flying Horse (aircraft). In addition Saturn is in hard aspect to Kronos (aircrafts) - Hades (messy situations) in the 9th house linked to long distance travel.
