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Tomb of Cerberus discovered at Last Quarter Moon



Waterworks in Giugliano, a suburb of Campania (Naples), have uncovered an untouched chamber tomb full of frescoes ceilings, and walls in pristine condition. The tomb was found on farmland during an archaeological survey in advance of updates to the city water supply system. The room has the ceiling and walls frescoed with mythological scenes, Ichthyocentaurs (a pair of sea gods with the upper bodies of men) holding a clypeus on the front wall, festoons that go all around the funerary chamber, and figurative representations among which a three-headed dog stands out, hence the name of the mausoleum as the Tomb of Cerberus. The striking painting that has given the tomb its monicker depicts the 12th and most dangerous of the Labors of Hercules: when he descended to Hades guided by Mercury to capture the three-headed monster dog Cerberus.



This news comes to us just as Venus enters Virgo. And coincidentally, a chart for the ingress at Naples has Venus [0vi] placed on the Ascendant opposite Saturn [1pi] on the descendant. Venus is the planet we associate with art and Virgo is of course the craftsman so that we are not surprised to hear news of beautiful frescoes. Next we understand from Diana Rosenberg that Saturn [1pi] is part of the ancient Chinese asterism Wei that presided over tombs and graves. 

And note that Saturn is conjunct stars of Piscis Austrini - the Southern Fish often depicted as in the image with its mouth open receiving a stream of water from the urn of the Water Bearer. How strange that the tomb was discovered when engineers of Giugliano Waterworks were updating the city water supply system!


Finally in the chart for the Last Quarter Moon phase of Oct.6 just a day before the announcement of the discovery [1], once again has the Venus-Saturn opposition (forming) in hard aspect to the angles (this time straddling the meridian)...but along with that we notice that Venus [27le] makes hard aspects to the Sun [13li] -Moon and Hades [13cn]. 

And Moon and Hades are both conjunct Sirius - alpha Canis Major, the Dog star! The mausoleum discovered is the Tomb of Cerberus - often referred to as the hound of Hades. Another coincidence?



