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Artificial Intelligence gone crazy


Artificial Intelligence gone crazy

A man in South Korea was crushed to death by a machine which apparently failed to differentiate him from the boxes of produce it was handling, according to Yonhap news.The man, a robotics company worker in his 40s, was in the process of inspecting the robot's sensor operations at a distribution center for agricultural produce in the Gyeongsang province. Nov.13


The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. A Moon phase can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. Presented here is the chart for the New Moon of Nov. 13 drawn for Goseong, South Korea. Notice that the New Moon is very significantly placed square the meridian.


The elements that aspect the New Moon and the meridian are: 

Mars [22sc]-Uranus[21ta] - Hygiea[19aq]- Eros[19aq]- Vesta[7cp]-Pholus[6cp]



Accidents at workplace attributable to the use of advanced technology 


The use of advanced technology in a workplace. Also a terrific time for a cold, objective and analytic look at innovations. 


With a bungee strap between the concepts of WORK (Vesta) and HEALTH (Hygiea), we can predict that you'll see that some folks have to watch how hard they work and how that might affect their health. This idea of "work" here comes from the asteroid, Vesta, and it can also present experiences of detachment and times when there is an excess of objectification. 


The idea of "wholeness" or health can be linked to having a healthy heart, re-discovering what makes life worth living 

The centaur Pholus [6cp] is in hard aspect to Mars-Uranus-Vesta-Hygiea. In one mythical version Pholus accidentally wounded himself with one of Heracles’ venomous arrows and died as a result. 

One of the keywords that Martha Wescott provides for Vesta is objectivity or detachment. How strange that the machine treated the the man, a robotics (Uranus - new technology) company worker as a box!

In the Sabian symbol for the New Moon just replace “soldier” with “worker” and you begin to see the essential message of the New Moon so well illustrated by the news above.


KEYNOTE: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society. 

As a person finds himself involved in activities which are traditional in his particular culture — and in many instances in all societies at this stage of human evolution — he often faces a conflict between his own individual sense of value (his conscience) and the demands of society. The conflict may be most typical in terms of the armed services — thus this symbol. In it we find the individual asserting his own values, though he cannot escape the consequences of his decision.

 And staying with the thought of how society has made us robots, here is the New Moon chart for Tel Aviv, Israel, significantly placed on the meridian. Is it now too difficult to imagine what the cosmic message is to the Israeli soldier involved in the Gaza genocide

At least one soldier General Smedley Butler (July 30, 1881) born with his radix draconic Sun [20sc48] at the same degree as the New Moon understood why a soldier must refuse orders. 

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” – General Smedley Butler
