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Astrology of India’s tunnel collapse


The Silkyara Bend - Barkot tunnel was being constructed by Navayuga Engineering Construction Limited (NECL) as part of the Char Dham all-weather road project connecting four sites sacred to Hindus, and it was located on the Yamunotri end of National Highway 134. 

The 2023 Uttarakhand tunnel collapse occurred on 12 November 2023, when a portion of the Silkyara Bend - Barkot tunnel, under construction, collapsed in the Uttarkashi district of the state of Uttarakhand, India. The collapse occurred at around 5:30 am lST, and it trapped at least 40 workers inside the tunnel.



Readers often ask why it is necessary to study a myriad of charts to understand why an event has taken place. And the answer is very simple. Life is complex and so is astrology. Most often just making a chart for an event is too simplistic and may not even give any meaningful answers. So some astrologers will make a lunation chart. But that may or may not give you a very clear answer. Sometimes when a lunation chart is superimposed on a derived chart e.g. a radix/return/ingress chart we begin to see a lot of clarity.


The New Moon chart has the powerful Sun-Moon-Mars-Uranus-Poseidon opposition anchored to the horizon. Mars-Uranus is of course a sudden accident but when you combine it with the TNP Poseidon (religion ) we begin to see it may have something to do with religion. In an earlier post [1], I mentioned that the same Poseidon New Moon fell very significantly on the meridian at Tel-Aviv/Gaza and the Sabian symbol “A soldier refusing orders” was essentially asking people to not be carried away by their own religious beliefs and persecute other human beings. Uranus in the mix is asking us to liberate ourselves from these ancient hatreds.


Next take a look at India’s lunar and Wynn Key returns. Is it a coincidence that the same combination aligns with the horizon in both cases and the New Moon just a day after the tunnel collapse sets it off! The tunnel was part of “the Char Dham all-weather road project connecting four sites sacred to Hindus”. And call it whatever, cosmic design or God...appears to want folks to put religion behind them ...and this applies to all religions. They have become separative and that is something Uranus, the planet pushing us to liberate ourselves from limiting beliefs, will just not permit.










In a previous post [2], discussing the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the charts of India/Pakistan (and coincidentally also present in that of Israel), I wrote:


A look at the stars that form the backdrop to the Saturn - Pluto conjunction can reveal what is required. Nick Fiorenza writes:


The Crab, can indicate antiquated patterns, personal and collective dogmatic belief structures, and sticky modalities of being that perpetuate stasis. Alignments with Praesepe and Asellus can bring up our fears of letting go--fears bound in our belief patterns and those of collective consciousness. They can bring our attention to the possibility of being lost in our own mental obscurations--in the reasons "why not" to go forward, why not to change--in the frenetic buzz of collective mass consciousness--in the dogmas of life, whether personal or collective. Praesepe, the essence of the Scarab (the dung beetle) / Cancer theme impels our emergence out of the antiquated entrapments we had been living in, whether leaving physical dwellings or antiquated structures of consciousness. Nick Fiorenza


 Some of the common "antiquated structures" for both the countries are (a) widespread corruption (b) religious fundamentalism that was the cause of the partition in the first place (c) the outdated caste system that inhibits any meaningful progress (this more for India).


If we now look at the chart for the reported time of the tunnel collapse, it begins to make sense. On the MC [6le] is Praesepe, the stars of the Crab mentioned above. These are conjunct India’s radix Mercury [6le] and Saturn-Pluto [13le].

India’s radix Sun [21le] is at the apex of a T-square with the New Moon [11sc] - Mars[22sc] -Uranus [11ta]. Uranus is moving over radix Kronos [22ta] and the Uranus/Admetus midpoint [22ta] 


This is ripe for "the ground shaking or trembling beneath your feet" 

Kronos: a high place (mountain?) 

Taken together doesn’t that sound like a landslide in a mountain area!








