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Capitol Storming Videos Released


More than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security video will be made public on a dedicated website starting immediately and ramping up in the coming months, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) announced on Nov. 17. Zero Hedge




Activation of an event chart like the storming of the Capitol is a good way to look at future developments. Readers can see that the Oct. 28 lunar [5ta] fell on the chart’s Uranus [6ta] in the 12th house. 

The 12th house represents matters that are hidden, restrained, secret, incapable of action or of being fully understood. It is a wholly unfortunate house, associated with sad events, sorrow, anguish of mind, tribulation, captivity, imprisonment, persecution, hard labour, all manner of affliction and self-undoing...In countries where relevant, concentration camps and those kept in slavery or bondage.

Uranus in the 12th house can reveal all that the establishment would like to keep secret. The lunar eclipse not only activated Uranus but the the connected Jupiter[4aq]-Uranus[6ta] square. And let us not forget that transit Jupiter [8ta] is within just 3 degrees of its direct station on the eclipse degree [5ta] on Dec. 31 

Jupiter-Uranus: to experience a release from tension and to feel optimistic or fortunate due to a change or sudden event; to be surprised at a fortunate change of events. 

About the stars that conjoin Uranus, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

The Ram, King, Queen and the Sea-Monster produce forceful leaders..acute moral and ethical issues will arise and they must choose between a higher or lower path, how to lead.. for misuse of power is one of their most frequent failings. This is a major area of intolerance vs human rights.

For the stars conjunct Jupiter [11ta] in the lunar eclipse chart she adds: 

Oh, Freedom! Here, more than any other place in the sky, Andromeda’s issues of bondage an freedom come alive!...A strong theme turned up here of communications breakthroughs. Here the ravening Sea-Monster is slain by gallant Perseus , the Hero and Rescuer, enabling Andromeda to free herself from her chains.

“Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours,” Johnson said in his statement. 

The new footage only confirms what many Americans already understood. That the clips played by the media paint a false picture of what really happened. It is becoming clear that Jan.6 was nothing more than a protest that was turned into a riot by police incitement and establishment spin. The latest footage shows capitol police inviting protesters into the building as they peacefully assembled in the corridors (the same people who would later be prosecuted and labeled "insurrectionists"). 
