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Google neural network says Moon landing photos are fake



Google’s own AI says that US moon landing photos/videos are fake. 

The final, critical landing phase of the Apollo 11 mission began at 20:05 GMT on 20 July 1969. Just under 13 minutes later, at 20:17 GMT, the Eagle lunar module landed on the Moon. 

Regular readers will by now be familiar with the fact that a chart drawn for an event contains within the seed of its future developments. A chart for the Apollo landing drawn for Washington DC is shown here. And very appropriately on the Ascendant is Neptune - the planet astrologers link to deceit and illusions.


In a previous post Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions [1], I wrote: 

With its link to deception, Neptune is connected to “mirages” or appearances that belie reality. The essential meaning of appearance is simply the form in which we are able to perceive something. Modern science recognizes that what we personally cognate as the external world is actually the product of an interaction between that world and the projection of our subconscious. 

Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred. But Neptune cannot undermine if he did not at the same time hold before us some ideal to be contrasted with its faulty reality. If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality. 

More specifically, for the stars on the Ascendant with Neptune , Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Shrewd manipulators, verbally gifted, they are fascinated by, and become expert in, imagery, propaganda and “spin”. 

But she also adds: 

Here Hercules offers his strength while the ever-regenerating Serpent of deep knowledge grants transformation. 

(Incidentally the Sun/Mars synod [25sc36] on Nov. 18 fell right on top of the radix Neptune [26sc01] ... “unveiling the deception” as explained above. 

The current Primary Directions (Van Dam) in the Moon Landing Chart are Sun/Mercury conjunct Pluto [23vi] which is conjunct the Sibly Neptune [22vi]. When Pluto acts on Neptune all illusions are ripped away. The Sabian symbol for Pluto could not be more appropriate! 

Sabian Symbol: Virgo 24 (23° - 24°) MARY AND HER WHITE LAMB 

Naivety can be the impractical failure to face up to the hard facts of reality. 

Currently transit Neptune [24pi] is opposite Pluto/ South Node.

 [1] Sun-Neptune synod: Unveiling of deceptions
