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Letter from Osama Bin Laden goes viral



An unsealed letter 


More than two decades after the attacks that ignited the US ‘War on Terror,’ Osama Bin Laden’s anti-Jewish letter justifying terrorism against Americans has resonated on social media and captured the imaginations of pro-Palestinian activists amid the Israel-Hamas war. 

Videos with the hashtag “LettertoAmerica” have been viewed more than 13.5 million times on TikTok, apparently beginning with a post on Tuesday by a user named Lynette Adkins. Nov. 16



National charts and their derivatives can be a treasure house of surprising information that are revealed by transits and directions.


Here is the current US Sibly solar return (precession corrected). A powerful Pluto-Nodal axis T-square straddles the horizon. Pluto is placed amid stars of Altair, the eagle - a raptor which symbolizes predatorship and by extension the tyranny of empires. Ebertin interprets Pluto square Nodes as “the tragic destiny of a large mass of people”. Put the two together and you can begin to see the havoc of the US wars on helpless countries like Afghanistan. 

Next notice the Mars opposite Saturn combination anchored to the Pluto-Node combination. Under Mars - Saturn personal attacks are common. Others may try to damage your reputation or career, and there may be karmic undertones behind the attack. Perhaps you violated someone in the past then the person may have withheld the anger, while seething with resentment on the inside. An opportunity for expressing the stored up anger can appear under subsequent Mars-Saturn transits.


Now progress the solar return chart to Nov.16, the date of the news and you find the Mars-Saturn opposition is now aligned with the horizon and thereby triggered. 

And no prizes for guessing the Sabian symbol for Mars [29le13]! 

Leo 30 (29° - 30°)

Sabian Symbol: An unsealed letter 

The fact that a letter is unsealed does not imply a trust that other people will not read its contents, but rather the idea that the contents are for all men to read. The letter contains a public message in the sense that when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development — which we see in the very first symbol for Leo — he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity. Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time.
