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New Moon: Fatal respiratory illness sickens dogs across the US



A fatal respiratory illness sickening dogs across the United States is puzzling the veterinarian community after the illness has yet to be identified.


To comprehend examples like these we must turn to symbolism and the belief that forms and phenomena affect one another in terms of their deeper archetypal meaning. All things are embedded within a larger symbolic field in which each element exerts its own unique influence more in an abstract qualitative sense so that such influences can only be understood through metaphors.


Shown here is the chart for the November New Moon [20sc43] drawn for Washington DC. Among events linked to stars that conjoin the New Moon, Diana Rosenberg lists “mass deaths of animals; suffocation and asphyxiation”. The New Moon is part of a Grand Trine with Neptune and the MC. Neptune[25pi] which among other things rules respiratory problems is in the 6th house of health issues. It is in hard aspect to asteroids Diana [10le] (animals) and Asclepius [26sa] (illness). And more significantly on the MC[25cn] is the star Procyon, alpha Canis Minor - the smaller dog! 

So all that is easy to understand but is there a deeper message that the New Moon brings? I believe there is. The New Moon is conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus - a combination that essentially asks us to listen to our own inner voice even if it means disobeying authorities or social pressures of any kind. The Sabian symbol of the New Moon confirms this message.



KEYNOTE: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society. 

As a person finds himself involved in activities which are traditional in his particular culture — and in many instances in all societies at this stage of human evolution — he often faces a conflict between his own individual sense of value (his conscience) and the demands of society. The conflict may be most typical in terms of the armed services — thus this symbol. In it we find the individual asserting his own values, though he cannot escape the consequences of his decision. 

What is the essential quality of a dog that so appeals to us humans that it makes the most popular pet? Faithfulness, obedience; willingness to sacrifice itself for the master? The New Moon is telling us that “those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for others or what they perceive as their duty will die”. And as I said at the beginning, the cosmos chooses symbols as metaphors to get its meaning across. 

In a previous article [1], I discussed the same New Moon symbol and showed its connection to a worker blindly following orders and dying in the process! 


