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The death of Henry Kissinger


Nov 29 (Reuters) - Henry Kissinger, a controversial Nobel Peace Prize winner and diplomatic powerhouse whose service under two presidents left an indelible mark on U.S. foreign policy, died on Wednesday, according to Kissinger Associates Inc. 

Astrology embodies a system of new categories that are different from the ones to which we are habituated.  In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Elwell has defined the term multicongruence as the tendency for certain things and conditions to co-occur because they belong together at a higher, unmanifest level. In this post we shall see that the death of Kissinger and the end of the American era are connected. 

Readers will recall that Kissinger was part of the team that negotiated the petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia that is now coming apart more or less coinciding with his death. And while not directly involved, he was Secretary of State when Nixon announced the delinking of the dollar from the gold standard..which now experts regard as the major reason for the US debt and the coming end of the fiat dollar.

Here are progressed solar return charts on Nov.29 for (a) Kissinger [1]


 (b) the US Sibly. 

Notice the similarity. Pluto in Capricorn square the MC (death of prominent leaders). Pluto’s astrological meanings include absolutist - manipulative - controlling attitudes.. so we can see his death marking the defeat of the policies he gave shape to. Pluto square the Lunar Nodes’ mandate is to heal generational wounds, and re-write healthier, more constructive behavioral patterns. The South Node in manipulative Scorpio is referring to the past. What’s in the baggage I carry? What do I really need, and what can I drop? 

But the progression of a solar return chart is at best the minute or second hand of the clock. The hour hand in this case are two Primary Directions (Van Dam) listed below. The Oct. 14 solar eclipse [22li] fell on the radix Moon [22li] and was further activated by transit Venus [22li] in the last couple of days.


Saturn [22cp] opposite Orpheus (death) [22cn]

Saturn [22cp] square Moon [22li] 








And for the record here is the chart for the Oct. 14 solar eclipse at Furth, Germany - Kissinger’s place of birth. Pluto on MC square the eclipse-node axis. 

The solar eclipse is conjunct the stars Spica of Virgo and Archturus of Bootes. In his essay, The Astronomical Truth of the Virgin, Nick Fiorenza writes: 

In our stellar image, Boötes is holding off the fallen religious-political authoritarian global powers (articulated by nearby Benatnasch, the tip of the tail of the Great Bear, Ursa Major) who claim to be the intermediaries between God and man, and who wish to manipulate evolutionary affairs. Boötes is creating and ensuring a proper energy environment for a safe and pure birth / and subsequent capacity for ascension of the soul out of re-incarnational entrapment.

 And resonating with this, about the eclipse, Gray Crawford writes:

The Solar Eclipse in Libra is aligned with the Tail of the Dragon, the headless body, the lunar place of purification, release, and sacrificial fire. There is an emptying here of toxic residues that have accrued, as well as renewal of our connection to spirit and the daimonic guides who can help us realign with our essential self.



