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Ukraine’s largest flag destroyed



A storm in Kiev has torn Ukraine’s largest flag in half, city officials reported on Monday. The national symbol was damaged despite being lowered to half-mast in an attempt to protect it from the strong winds.


To comprehend examples like these we must turn to symbolism and the belief that forms and phenomena affect one another in terms of their deeper archetypal meaning. All things are embedded within a larger symbolic field in which each element exerts its own unique influence more in an abstract qualitative sense so that such influences can only be understood through metaphors. 

A national flag represents and symbolizes a given nation. It is flown by the government of that nation, but can also be flown by its citizens. A national flag is typically designed with specific meanings for its colours and symbols. 

The colors in the Ukrainian flag represent golden fields of grain under a clear blue sky, appropriate for a country known as the "bread basket" of its area. 

The Sun in a national chart can symbolize the country’s core essence and identity. In Ukraine’s horoscope [24 Aug. 1991; 14:31 UT;Kiev], the radix Sun[0vi56] is placed in the 8th house associated with “losses, death and decay”. In 2023, Saturn [0pi] has been transiting opposite the Sun. After a long retrograde period, it stationed direct on Nov. 4 at [0pi30]. When transit Saturn opposes the Sun, it can bring restrictions and hardship. Sometimes the challenges can turn out to be insurmountable so that the transit then represents a period of endings - here, it is most likely an end of the national identity. 

The present administration of Ukraine’s identifies itself with Nazi Germany. Far-right vigilantes use intimidation and even violence to advance their agendas, and often do so with the tacit approval of law enforcement agencies. 

The Sabian symbol for Ukraine’s radix Sun is: 


In the process of personal evolution it is true that we must begin by making a claim upon life according to how we feel to be different from others. Yet it is no less true to give to that uniqueness the perspective of context - by being able to see where we fit in the larger picture.

To express the fullness of character certainly requires an effective self-assurance to be central and ever-present, yet self-betrayal is inevitable should this lead to self-overestimation through vanity.


Saturn transits to the Sun often bring down a person if he has been overestimating himself. The transit has been active virtually the whole of 2023, but two things have happened in Nov. First the direct station on Nov. 4 and now the transit Sun completing a T-square with transit Saturn and the radix Sun. Shown here is the chart for the transiting Sun-Saturn square at Kiev. Notice its perfect alignment with the meridian.

The Sabian for Saturn [1pi] appears to confirm that while we may emphasize our uniqueness (Sabian for radix Sun), we must learn to co-operatively interact with others. 


We can do nothing without cooperative interaction of some kind. We breathe, eat and feel safe from many dangers all because we are part of a complex interactive involvement with other living beings. A public market is a place of commerce, where people interact for mutual benefit without any need to enjoy each other’s company or agree with each other’s point of view. Although the exchanges are competitive, they are normally diplomatic and fair because the longer picture is in sight – and fair trade now leads to more trade in future. Wars are avoided and ended so that commerce can continue; therefore it represents the full maturity of humanity’s social estate. 

But it is the Sabian for the Ascendant (also Ukraine's radix Saturn (1aq31)) that explains the tearing of the Ukraine flag! 


Nature is a constant existential challenge to the works of people; fires, floods and winds tear down our strongest buildings in moments, and time itself erodes everything eventually. By this fact we are reminded not only how small and insignificant we are and how magnificent is any creation that stands against Nature for a while, yet also we remember the need to develop inwardly the strength to cope with it all. 

Nonetheless, it is more or less certain that we will be thoroughly inconvenienced in our lifetime by the shifting patterns of events in which we are obliged to participate. 

At an advanced level of understanding, we see that all control is illusion anyway. Everything we plan is subject to modification, and the final mystery of life is accessed only through surrender.

Thunderstorms, by their very unpredictability and awesome power, help us find our way towards this subtle, counter-intuitive comprehension.


Ukraine, the “bread basket of Europe,” was one of the world’s biggest exporters of wheat, corn and sunflower oil, but much of that flow has been halted by the war and a Russian blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast. An estimated 22 million tons of grain remains in Ukraine. 

Ukraine’s air is now poisoned by the use of depleted Uranium by the military. In other words nothing much remains of a strong and vibrant Ukraine it is quite appropriate that the flag is torn.
