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Zelensky to leave


The knives are out in the fight over the Ukrainian throne. Various Ukrainian media (in Russian) report of plans to fire this or that general. Andrei Yermak, Zelenski's chief of office and the real power behind him, is currently in the U.S., allegedly to get the okay for firing the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army General Zaluzny. Other Ukrainian media are calling for Zaluzny to become the new president. Tomorrow CIA director Burns is expected to be in Kiev to tell Zelenski that his time is up and that he, Zelenski, will have to go.




A look at Zelensky’s horoscope can explain why he will most likely have to go. His current important Primary Direction (mundane) is: 

Sun opposite Jupiter [27ge09]

Jupiter is placed in the First House and its Sabian symbol says it all. 


KEYNOTE: A release from unbearable pressures 

And here is Zelensky’s Wynn Key Return with Vulcanus opposite Pluto on the horizon. Martha Wescott interprets as:


People are "feeling the heat" because others are manipulative or domineering (and haven't left them many options.) There can be pressures that arise from stuff you and others can't do much about--and, as you can imagine, that'll be especially grating! I think there'll be some situations where you see pressures that FEEL like ultimatums--as well as times when people rise up like crazed tigers BECAUSE others are trying to force their hand.


