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Astrology of India’s Cyclone Michaung


Heavy rainfall disrupts daily life, causing floods in various city parts, halting transport services, and leaving suburbs submerged. The cyclone, expected to intensify, poses severe threats with warnings of heavy rain and strong winds. 

Many news events can be explained by planets reaching a station and moving from retrograde motion to direct or vice-versa. On Dec. 6, Neptune stationed to go direct at [25pi] at 13:22 UT. A chart for the event at Chennai (Madras), India has Neptune very significantly placed on the MC. opposite Moon [28vi] on the IC which among other things rules the weather.


Pisces is a curious star group; the stars are dim, scattered, and don't form a distinctive asterism. The two figures of the Fishes are widely separated from each other with one lying next to the figure of Andromeda and the other near to Aquarius and Pegasus. 

Diana Rosenberg states that the star 16 Piscium [26pi]in the belly of the west fish is more likely in the water pouring from the Urn of Aquarius. And for events connected to Moon’s position [28vi] she has “natural disasters, some occurring suddenly with little or no warning”.


Combine the warning about “natural disasters” with “the water pouring from the Urn of Aquarius” and it is not too difficult to see why Chennai (Madras) has received such heavy rainfall. 

With the Neptune also on the MC at India’s capital, Delhi..its Sabian symbol may be a warning for all Indians more so in the light of recent elections that are being challenged in the Supreme Court.

Pisces 25 (24°- 25°): The purging of the priesthood 

The priesthood is symbolic of authorities we give power to decide what paths we must follow. Whoever may fail to prove their worth, as guide and mentor, will find they are subject to quite a severe judgement, which gives rise to whatever penalties that await them for their indiscretions. This harsh approach is an intuitive safety measure, felt but rarely consciously understood within society, of the need to guard against the problem of own collective regression.



