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Chinese scientists develop efficient all-analog photo-electronic chips




Scientists from China's Tsinghua University have recently created an all-analog photo-electronic chip. This chip delivers superior performance in computer vision tasks, delivering faster processing and greater energy efficiency compared to current chips, according to a report published by Xinhua News Agency. Nov.5


Pluto entered Aquarius on Mar. 23 and will re-enter the sign once again in Jan 24. China’s national horoscope has Ascendant in the first degree of Aquarius. Aquarius is associated with technology, innovation, and progress, while Pluto is associated with deep transformation and change. Pluto in Aquarius could lead to a revolution in artificial intelligence. And this is what we are seeing reported in the news. 

Regular readers would by now be familiar with solar return charts and their value in identifying dates on which significant events take place. Here is the solar return chart (precession crrected) progressed to Nov. 5, the date of the news. Notice the progressed Ascendant triggering a complex combination containing Saturn-Admetus-Apollon-Vulcanus. Martha Wescott interprets the elements as below: 


To feel a compulsion to achieve or perform through studies or business demands; to recognize the display of a “whatever it takes” attitude in connection with opportunities, expansion or business; to be forced to expand or diversify. 


Patience and perseverance are among the prime ingredients of success. 


To succeed in the commercialization of intellectual work.


For the stars of Pegasus that conjoin Saturn [1pi] on the Ascendant, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

Dissatisfied with the status quo in the world and in themselves, in whatever field they enter they will work to discover new means of improving the human condition...Ingenious, resourceful, technically adept with acute visualization abilities, they are gifted loners who enjoy problem solving, experimenting, creating and inventing...Here the powerful wings of Pegasus fly high above the tedious, toilsome day-to-day world, bestowing the joy and serenity of their heavenly view. 

Pegasus is a winged horse in Greek mythology, usually depicted as a white stallion. According to early myths, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring water spring burst forth. For those who were receptive, the waters fuelled their creativity so that they were able to produce works that uplifted people.
