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Eclipse helps predate history of spear-throwers


Stone Age people in Belgium were hunting with spear-throwers more than 30,000 years ago — the earliest known evidence of such a weapon in Europe, a new study suggests. 

The new study on theMaisières-Canal flint artifacts, published Oct. 25 in the journal Scientific Reports"pushes back the dates for spear-thrower use in Europe … by over 10,000 years," the authors wrote.


Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. The study published by the University of Liège in Belgium which changes our understanding of spear-thrower use in Europe, comes just after the South Nodal Solar Eclipse (refers to the past) of Oct. 14. A chart for the eclipse at Liège has the eclipse [21li] square Pluto [27cp] on the MC and quincunx Uranus [22ta] on the Ascendant with Uranus and Pluto trine each other.


Ebertin has:  

Uranus-Pluto: A revolution; the construction of the new; the process of transformation.

About Uranus-Pluto, Richard Tarnas writes: 

Pluto intensifies and empowers on a massive scale the Prometheus archetype of revolution and freedom, creativity, innovation and sudden radical change, all associated with the planet Uranus. 

So indeed the study is unveiling the history of creativity and innovation in the use of spears. But why spears? The eclipse itself is conjunct stars of Bootes, the Herdsman who is depicted armed with a spear!  

Finally we note that the TNP Zeus is conjunct the eclipse and in quincunx aspect to Uranus. 

Martha Wescott provides the following delineation: 

ZEUS: creative energy; controlled & directed forces; ability to harness energies for accomplishment. 


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