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Family 'caregiver fatigue' murders of Japan elderly




TOKYO -- There was a murder-suicide or killing of a person aged 60 and over in Japan every eight days by relatives with "caregiver fatigue" or deeply pessimistic attitudes to the future in the decade up to 2021, according to new research.


National charts are a treasure house of information. Transits and progressions in the charts can explain news that would otherwise be difficult to understand. Presented here is the national chart for post war Japan. Notice that for the last couple of years Pluto has been moving over Japan’s Ascendant and square its radix Mercury[26ar54]. 

The Ascendant in a national chart rules the “the common people or general state of the nation;. the country and its inhabitants as a whole”. [1] 

With Pluto transiting over the Ascendant, the people are in “throes of intense upheavals; feelings of powerlessness and guilt can arise”[2] 

To understand where this guilt or feelings of helplessness can come from take a look at the stars that form the backdrop to Mercury [26ar54]. The stars here are those of King Cepheus, Queen Cassiopeia and their chained Princess Andromeda. In other words they tell us something of how a daughter might be chained to her parents and unable to live her own life. Among events connected to these stars Diana Rosenberg lists “difficult old age situations and violent deaths, including murder or suicide” [3]. 





[2] The Orders of Light; Martha Wescott, p.93

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1,p.111)

