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Leaning Italian tower facing sudden collapse


One of Italy’s “twin towers,” a symbol of the northern city of Bologna, is in danger of “sudden and unexpected collapse,” according to authorities there, who have unveiled a plan to stabilize it. 

The month of November saw some important planetary milestones. First Saturn stationed direct in the first degree of Pisces on Nov. 4 but for its effect to manifest in events it had to wait till the Sun and Mars entered Sagittarius and squared Saturn. A chart for Mars square Saturn drawn for Bologna has it prominently placed straddling the meridian.


Pisces is a sign located far from life’s beginnings — it is the final sign of the zodiac, and like Saturn, it is concerned with endings.


Pisces is an era of storms and of wholesale disintegration. But Piscean winds of destiny may impel men of vision and courage to discover many a "new world," as much as they do destroy or suffocate the many who stubbornly resist change. Pisces is an era of often sharp and violent repolarization. It is an era of purgation and cleansing. Rudhyar 

As we reach the end of the zodiacal signs we begin to see, “ a world utterly dominated by social behavior and by the concept of the State (Capricorn) , has now unfolded to the point where it has to be recognized by a society breaking down (Pisces) under the weight of its crystallizations”. 

As in a previous post World's biggest iceberg starts moving for first time in decades [1], where I explained how the Mars-Sun-Saturn-Admetus T-square was “responsible” for the event, here too we are seeing the first signs of  energy (Mars) destabilizing  a structure (Saturn) that has endured for a long time.


Closer to the date of the news, on Dec. 5 a chart for the Last Quarter Moon at Bologna brings the now separating Sun-Mars-Saturn-Admetus T-square to the horizon. The Sun and Mars are conjunct the star Antares which Diana Rosenberg relates to “a warning of crises, dangers and fatalities”.


And on the IC of this chart is Neptune at [24pi]. The fourth house and the IC are: 

Buildings; everything that relates to the foundation and roots.

 With Neptune’s connection to dissolution and weakening we begin to see the reason why a structure like a tower is being destabilized. And hidden behind the outward manifestation of Neptune’s action is what is suggested by its Sabian. 

Sabian Symbols: Pisces 25 (24°- 25°): The purging of the priesthood 

However sincere an initial impulse was, there will always be corrupting influences; sometimes it is best to restart and refresh. 

