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New Moon threatens battle in Yemen strait


The latest escalation in world military affairs, the situation in the Red Sea and Yemen, has the real potential to eclipse both the war in Ukraine and the invasion of Gaza, both in terms of military and economic impact, on a global scale. The hubris and abject idiocy of US plans to open yet another conflict that they cannot hope to win, and that cannot lead to anything but the destruction of the world economy can only be described as criminally insane.




The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of monthly lunations. As always aspects to the angles are the most important. Presented here is the chart for the New Moon of Dec. 12 drawn for the Bab-el-Mandeb - the narrow strait of Yemen in the news. The Bab-el-Mandeb is literally the . 'Gate of Lamentation', the Gate of Grief or the Gate of Tears.


Notice that the TNP Zeus-Pluto-Nodes T-square is aligned very significantly with the horizon axis. 

For Zeus/Pluto Martha Wescott writes:

Events in connection with the use of weaponry to dominate, threaten or confront others; the outbursts of Zeus lead to ultimatums, radical changes, damaging situations and sense of finality. 

About the stars of the New Moon, Diana Rosenberg writes: 

..when in positions of authority, they tend to be iron-willed autocrats and absolutists, so taken up by their rightness and the intensity of their personal visions that they refuse to listen to the opinions of others, insisting that things must be done their way, 

...and among events under these stars she includes “disasters caused by overconfidence, carelessness, errors, neglect or fatigue”.

In the last post on the Primary Directions in the US Sibly, I wrote: 

Saturn, the planet we associate with a reality check, makes hard aspects to the Sibly Mars-Neptune square. 

Mars-Neptune: Failures caused through the absence of plans or through lack of energy. 

The Dec.12 New Moon [21ge] opposite Sibly Mars [21ge] square Neptune [22vi] has activated the long term Primary Direction. 

It is not a coincidence that with Mars(war) square Neptune(sea), here we are  looking at the possibility of an incident involving warships or a battle at sea!

