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Russia May Ban Uranium Exports To U.S


Now Russian state-owned uranium company Tenex is telling American customers that "the Kremlin may preemptively bar exports" to the U.S. if Washington passes certain legislation that would prohibit imports beginning in 2028, Bloomberg reported on Friday.



In an earlier post [1] on the Primary Directions in the US Sibly, I wrote:

Saturn, the planet we associate with a reality check, makes hard aspects to the Sibly Mars-Neptune square 

Mars-Neptune: Failures caused through the absence of plans or through lack of energy. 

Primary Directions that work like the “hour hand” of the clock produce events when activated by lunations and transits (“minute” or “second” hands). The Dec.12 New Moon [21ge] opposite Sibly Mars [21ge] square Neptune [22vi] has activated the long term Primary Direction. 


The US Sibly solar return (precession corrected) has the Pluto-Nodes T-square aligned very significantly with the horizon axis. Progressing the return chart to Dec.18, the date of the news item, brings the T-square once again to an alignment with the horizon implying that it is triggered on this date. Nodes are about “relationships, unions or associations” so that Pluto-Nodes square can lead to breakups amid desire to control (Pluto) the other.


For Plute/Node, Martha Wescott has:

You'll see relationships in a state of major flux or deal with folks who have been pushed to their Wall and are contending with the circumstances that will make or break their very souls (or at least that's what they think and how they act... and it may well be true.) There are some interesting "tests" and "teachings" here: Can you be who and how you really are with important others? Can you let them Be (without either of you "messing" with the other in emotionally unhealthy ways?) Do you know what's "yours" and what isn't when people "infer" things that are directed toward your insecurities, guilts and defenses? Can you articulate how this person (and you for them) represent a demand for growth and integrity? And, just for fun, think about how much power and Will a person should surrender to another.... 


Mundane event charts drawn for the midpoint between the capitals of countries are a great source for understanding current events. Here is the chart for the Sun-Neptune square of Dec. 17 drawn for the midpoint between Washington DC and Moscow. Once again we have the Pluto-Node T-square on the angles. But also notice the TNP Zeus in the mix. Among other things Zeus is associated with “fuels” and “energy”.



[1] The collapse of reality may be at hand
